HS34:  PC Upload Abort Error


New Member
Nov 18, 2007
Anchorage. AK
New Installation: EFIS D10A, HDC-D10A and HS34 all talking to each other.
HS34 talking to GX60 and SL30.

Now trying to verify PC communication:

PC Product Support v 2.5.12>Detect Firmware Version>D10A>GO
finds EFIS D10A and HDC-D10A just fine.

PC Product Support v 2.5.12>Detect Firmware Version>HS34>GO
checks the COM Ports, and finally pops a window that sez ...
-Error connecting to instrument.
-Unintelligible data received.
Pretty sure everything is hooked up correctly as HS34 serial ports are hearing and commanding the nav units. Pretty slick.

The mechanical lashup is HS34 Ser1>DB9M then
DB9M Ser1 Rx/Tx>DB9F>GX60 - or - >separate DB9F cord to PC.

Any ideas appreciated.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I'm a little confused about your product support program version. The latest support program version should read "Product Support 4.0" at the top of the program when it is running. Versions prior to 4.0 will not even have a selection for the HS34.

Serial port 1 is the one that has to be used for PC communications, and your wiring sounds sensible. If the GX60 is working, that implies that at least the RX wire is pinned out correctly. You might double-check the TX wire, which is the one that comes out of pin 14 on the HS34, and should end up in pin 2 of the DB9 connector. Note that pin 5 of the DB9 needs to be grounded to the HS34's ground too.

Beyond that, note that your HS34 has 4.0 on it right now (there has only been the single firmware release for it).


New Member
Nov 18, 2007
Anchorage. AK
Don't know where ver 2.5.12 came from - I wrote it down, though ... so it was on the screen on 11/28.

Product Support 4.0 reloaded, (Banner shows that name) then > select product, etc.:

HS34 disconnected from everything except power and PS pins 2,3 and 5 - program sez abort! - can't find.
Pins 2 and 3 swaped - can't find.
Pin 5 switched to Ser2 pin5 - can't find: pins 2 and 3 swaped -can't find
Pin 5 switched to power ground - can't find - pins 2 and 3 swapped - can't find.
There is continuity between Ser1>PC ground, Ser2>PC ground and Power ground

Put HS34 back on the bus - reset DSAB and HSI sources - everything works as before.

Uninstalled and reinstalled from the Product Support Setup Program: got an
"ERROR! Unable to register DLL/OCX:DLL Register Server failed; Code: 0x800200009. Exception occured".

Installed program in another (Program Files where it wanted to go in the first place) area - booted up: no DLL/OCX error
New installation failed to find HS34 - same as above.

Has anyone out there had a similar problem?? Everything appears to work fine,
but making the PC connection, to me, is part of the installation process ... "don't want to leave home without it."


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You'll get the 2.5.12 version if the support program is somehow being run and can't see the firmware files in the expected location. This can be cause if you copy the support program executable out of the installation directory.

We haven't head of the dll register error before, so we can't say what's going on there. If the support program can detect the EFIS though, this wouldn't be the cause of the HS34 detect issue.

As for the HS34 issue, once you're confident that you've fully checked and double-checked the wiring between the serial port and the 9 pin connector, you can elect to send the HS34 back here for a look. Give us a call at 425-402-0443 for a return authorization if/when you get to that point.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
One other thing to check: Are you disconnecting the GX60 while you connect to the PC?


New Member
Nov 18, 2007
Anchorage. AK
Yes - the HS34 had only five wires:
Power ground
PC Ser1 Tx
PC Ser1 Rx
PC Ser1 Signal Ground (with continuity to Power Ground)


New Member
Nov 18, 2007
Anchorage. AK
OK, My PC finally found the HS34. This message offers a working solution.

1. Make two sets of connectors (DB25F<>DB9F) to be used ONLY for undates.
- The HS34 connector must have 5 wires (3 to the PC and 2 for power)
- The EFIS-D10A connector must have 9 wires (3 to the PC, 2 for power, and 4 for the EDC-D10A
2. When an update of any unit is required,
(a) unplug the flying connector,
(b) replace it with the PC connector,
(c) power up,
(d) do the update,
(e) power down,
(f) replace the flying connector.
(g) GO FOR IT!
3. This suggestion might be inserted in future Installation Manuals (the current one is already excellent).

4. Unrelated to this subject, but maybe of interest to the webmaster; my nickname "D i c k" shows up
as "thingy" in the preview box. Merry Xmas!

Dick Reeve
Lancair Legacy
Anchorage, AK


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Dick,

Thanks for the followup on your solution.

Also, I've fixed our overactive censoring plugin (actually I disabled it. We keep it pretty clean around here!), so you should have no problem with signing your posts now!