
New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Congratulations Dynon for your HS34 Expansion Module. I find the device more than useful.
Let me know if the installation request 1ea or 2ea HS34 when we operate a system composed of one D180 and one D100.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
One HS34 can act as an HSI source to multiple units over DSAB. Additionally, its light sensor auto-dimming capability will apply to all units in the system. However, to eliminate confusion the value adjustment knob (the topmost knob of the three) will only work with one unit. You essentially pair the HS34 with one of the Dynon units, allowing you to use the knob to adjust any displayed value on the paired unit.


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
Will this unit support the Garmin 480? What are the expansion module dimensions and can it be mounted horizontally as well as vertically? Thanks. Looking forward to the module addition.

L. B. Smith


New Member
Jun 26, 2006
As a guy who's shop floor still contains the swarf from cutting a new instrument panel to accommodate the EFIS-D100, I'm very curious to know about the ability of the HS34 to be oriented in either vertical or horizontal modes (I only have space left for a horizontal installation ;) ) Also, it's depth behind the panel would be good to know so those of us who are still bashing metal can make the necessary space to accomodate this new gee-whiz gizmo from Dynon.

By the way, I haven't mentioned it anywhere else on the board so I'll say it here. WELL DONE! On both the HSI controller and the new firmware updates. I'm REALLY looking forward to getting this firmware installed.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We can't give exact dimensions on the HS34 yet because I don't have them here at SnF, even though we do have production cases done. You're going to need to wait a bit until we can get that to you.

Here's the basic dimensions though: Exact same hight as a D100 product, 2" wide, not as deep as a D100 product. Now go cut your metal ;)

Honestly, we hadn't considered that people would want to put it sideways, but we're now hearing that a lot from you and at the show. There's no technical reason it won't work sideways, but the writing will be rotated. Given all the feedback we're hearing, I think there's a good chance we'll be making one with the text printed on it "sideways".

As for radio support, we're not promising anything right now except 430/530 and SL-30 support. It's not that we don't expect it to work with most radios, but we haven't tested it everywhere yet. We should be able to support anything with ARINC or serial, but some of those may require future firmware updates. If the only connection the radio has is analog, that support will be fixed by our hardware, but we have done a lot of work to make sure it meets the standard.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Canadian JOY, I'm another Dynon employee, checking in from our building with dimensions for you. These are likely final, but you might want to wait until we publish a finalized drawing on our documentation page.

The face of the unit is 1.64" wide by 4.9" high (with rounded corners and bevels like the D100 series). The cutout is 1.425" wide by 4.69" high.

As mentioned above, a sideways installation will not affect the performance of the unit, and we'll look into what we can do about the text labels.