I think you missed the original point of this thread. In most cases, having an RMI pointing to the same VOR as the CDI is not necessary and just clutters up the screen. What I am looking for is for the active VOR to drive the CDI (and glideslope) and for the standby VOR to drive one RMI only. Dynon says this is supposed to work, but it doesn't. I have been able to drive the 2nd RMI via the standby VOR only if the active VOR is driving the 1st RMI (as you described in your experience.) Dynon, have I described the issue correctly?
Roger Johnson
LongEZ N34JR
Concur, my post was more in reply to the later posts on a "locked" second bearing pointer (when both RMI needles point to the primary VOR). Apologies for adding to the thread creep.
Agree with you that deselecting the RMI bearing pointer to the primary VOR and using the CDI only for the primary course (when shooting a VOR approach or navigating to a VOR enroute) and then having just one bearing pointer for cross-radials would be a better (less cluttered) display. How does one de-select the first bearing pointer in that scenario? Is that an HS-34 thing, or is it do-able with no HS-34?
Of interest, when shooting that practice ILS yesterday, the SL-30's primary freq was set to the LOC freq, and the STBY freq was set to monitor a nearby VOR. The only RMI needle that showed was the STBY VOR (like the display you are saying you want). I wouldn't expect a LOC to show a bearing pointer anyway, but it was the Orange single needle that was displayed (which I believe normally points to the primary station) so during an ILS, the STBY freq was displaying the #1 RMI needle instead of the #2 (Yellow) RMI needle. Just an observation.
So hopefully this will give some focus back to your original query. Unless I'm reading it totally wrong, looks like a "two-fer"...maybe get two issues resolved with one thread...figure out how to drive just the STBY VOR RMI needle by itself (your case), and figure out how to unlock the second bearing pointer (for those that can't display the STBY VOR RMI needle separately).
Hope I didn't "clutter" your issue too much! (I know there is a declutter button on my keyboard somewhere...just can't find it!)