HSI setup?


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
Spicewood TX
I just updated my D10 --> to the D10A and having trouble
setting up the GPS input from My GNC300XL ( Pin 24 ) into
D10A pin 22. I've updated RS232 on channel 1 to "aviation"
mode - 9600baud rate?

I'm trying to update the D10A for the data coming from the GNC300
but can not fine the "NAVSRC" input area to select GPS.

Needing some help
Firmware 2.19

Regards, Mark Austin, TX


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The 150xl is definitely known to work, and the ...XL series should all have the same NMEA and Aviation Format outputs. It sounds like you have the latest firmware installed. Perhaps try running a ground between two units. Also, try selecting different baud rates (we autodetect 4800 and 9600) and different ouptut formats (we can work with NMEA and Aviation Format). There may be some advanced serial output settings in there that might make a difference as well.

The NAVSRC button is on the HSI screen menu whenever you have a valid external signal coming into the unit. To get to the HSI screen in the new firmware, tap the right button (or hold it to get to the screen selection menu if the HSI screen isn't defined in your screen rotation).


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
Spicewood TX
Got this HSI PAGE figured out........ I have a GNC300XL , with GPS data going out from
J37 - Pin 19 into the D10A - Pin 22. Then you have to go back to the GNC300
and update the RS232 Channel 2 output. ( Config to "Plotting" on RS232- OUT )
See Garmin Manual for RS232 setup keys.................. I had pins in channel 1 (pin 24 )
so I used pin 19, I think channel 1 would work in "Aviation" mode,@ 9600 baud.
GNC300XL Channel 1, Pin 24, "Aviation Mode"
GNC300XL Channel 2, Pin 19, "Plotting Mode"

Now you will get the GPS data string to display on the D10A screen. All GPS data
in purple in color, You can then go to the HSI page and see the NAVSRC options, such
as scale and GPS data clutter options.

Good Luck - Hope this info helps save you some time - The Data on the D10A is GREAT


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
Krudly, you have me scratching my head. When I am trying to program my GNC300XL TSO I don't find "I/O CHANNEL 2". I have I/O CHANNEL 1 set to aviation but when I rotate the large knob, there is no I/O CHANNEL 2. My D10A isn't seeing anything from the Garmin and I assume the NAVSRC options appear when it sees a signal? I have PIN 19 of the Garmin connected to PIN 22 of the D10A but no other connections. They have the same ground. Does anyone have an idea as to what I'm doing wrong?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
On the Dynon side, the NAVSRC button will automatically appear if you have your GPS connected directly to a screen. If you have it going through the HS34, you do need to set up the correct serial port on the HS34 explicitly before the HS34 will even look for a serial input.


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
I have it connected directly to the D10A. And I figured out how to set Channel 2 to "plotting". So I have channel 1 to Aviation and 9600 baud. And channel 2 to plotting and 9600 baud. I have the D10A set to AUTO on both. Still nothing. I am going back now to check my wiring and pins. I used crimp pins but tried to solder so I want to change that anyway.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The only thing I can think of on the hardware end is to make sure that the two devices are sharing ground. The serial connection uses ground as a reference. Also, make sure you're ending up at pin 22 on the EFIS for the serial input.