HSI support for GNS-480?


New Member
Jun 29, 2005
I see that you are working on support for the 430/530. How about the 480?

In your firmware announcement, you said that VOR/ILS could now be displayed on the artificial horizon. Will this be the full HSI display overlayed (please) or mearly the needles? I find it a lot easier to figure out the reciprocals with the heading displayed as a DG rather than a tape on the top.


Ed Holyoke


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We expect that the HS34 will be able to support the 480. It appears we will also be able to support it with just serial connections as well. We will not know for sure until we get into beta testing.

The VOR/ILS are just the needles on the screen. We tried the DG on top of the EFIS years ago and showed it to a human factors expert who told us it was a horrible idea, and we have to agree. There's just too much moving all at once when you do that. No certified EFIS does that, and we don't have any plans to.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Well, the HS34 will work with anything with an ARINC-429 connection, and many radios with analog connectiosn.

The 480 has ARINC-429, so you should be golden. I say "should be", because we've yet to test with a whole battery of radios yet. But any strange quirks on any ARINC-equipped device can be worked out with firmware upgrades.

To be honest, the radios we expect to have the most problems with are some of the King radios that have proprietary interfaces. A general guideline is that if the radio or GPS needs a very particular CDI to work, we probably won't be able to connect to it.


New Member
Jun 29, 2005
Thanks. If all that stuff is moving a lot, you've already got a problem. ;)

It's just that I find it so much easier to figure the recipricals and radials with a compass rose. I find myself looking at the vertical card compass even when VFR to figure runway headings and such. I was hoping that the HSI and EFIS could be colocated so that one wouldn't have to shrink the EFIS to get the info from the HSI.

Is anybody using the large screen EFIS for IFR? I'd be curious what your opinions are. Is the split screen EFIS/HSI good for you? Does it seem cramped?

I'm doing IFR training in my RV-6a with a D-10 and a separate CDI for the VOR. Maybe it's that I haven't learned to be comfortable in a scan yet, but I like being able to get most everything I need in the one instrument and I don't like leaving it to go to the CDI.


Ed Holyoke


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Ed, I am nolt using the large screen ones, but I have two D10A stacked on each other, the upper programmed to start up as EFIS, the lower one to start up as EHSI. The functions are just great! I used to have a Sandel before, but this Dynon solution is by far better........   and ways cheaper. In fact, for what I got for my 4 years ols Sandel and remote gyro, I bought all the Dynon stuff, the SL30 and still had money left.
Another aspect this way is redundancy, as both of those screens can be used on their stby battery in case of and both will replace eachother as well, if needed. I was thinking quite a while if I should go for one large or two small screens. I have to say, I would do again exactly as this.

Kind regards

Thomas ;)