I have the impression that my D180 shows an airspeed that's too high.
First I trimmed my plane at 75% Power. IAS was about 145kt, TAS is about 153kt. I oriented the plane to fly into the winds direction (250°, 100% headwind). There's a GPS source connected to the D180. Thus the D180 can calculate the wind direction and speed. In my test that showed me I had a headwind component of 34 kt. Then I turned around to fly the opposite heading (70°). After the turn I should fly with 100% tailwind component. The IAS and TAS indication remain the same (as expected), but the indicated wind component on the D180 now shows the wind to be coming from the left with 20kt. I have reproduced this a few times.
Thinking about the possible sources for this issue I think the calibration of the D180s pitot pressure sensor could be wrong. Or maybe my pitot tube is somewhat wrong ("funnel" formed). However I cannot see that there's anything wrong with my pitot tube.
To verify this I looked at the GPS speed.
Headwind direction GPS ground speed: 121kt
Tailwind direction GPS ground speed: 157kt
Speed difference: 36kt
resulting wind: 250° 18kt
D180 TAS indication: 151kt
Calculation how much the D180 is off:
151kt (D180 TAS indication) - 18kt (headwind component) = 133kt (GS)
133kt (GS) - 121kt (GPS GS) = 12kt
The D180 is showing 12 kt too fast.
The same calculation can be done while flying with tailwind.
151kt + 18kt = 169kt
169kt - 157kt = 12kt
The question is: How can I calibrate the D180 speed indication?
According to the D180 installation manual on page 9-5 I can calibrate the pressure sensors if airspeed is indicated wrong during takeoff speed ("Airspeed is inaccurate by between 1 and 10 knots (or equivalent, in other units) at takeoff speed.") and I did that, but it didn't solve the problem.
Is there anything I can do to fix or calibrate this? Maybe narrowing the opening of the pitot tube?
Thanks in advance!
I have the impression that my D180 shows an airspeed that's too high.
First I trimmed my plane at 75% Power. IAS was about 145kt, TAS is about 153kt. I oriented the plane to fly into the winds direction (250°, 100% headwind). There's a GPS source connected to the D180. Thus the D180 can calculate the wind direction and speed. In my test that showed me I had a headwind component of 34 kt. Then I turned around to fly the opposite heading (70°). After the turn I should fly with 100% tailwind component. The IAS and TAS indication remain the same (as expected), but the indicated wind component on the D180 now shows the wind to be coming from the left with 20kt. I have reproduced this a few times.
Thinking about the possible sources for this issue I think the calibration of the D180s pitot pressure sensor could be wrong. Or maybe my pitot tube is somewhat wrong ("funnel" formed). However I cannot see that there's anything wrong with my pitot tube.
To verify this I looked at the GPS speed.
Headwind direction GPS ground speed: 121kt
Tailwind direction GPS ground speed: 157kt
Speed difference: 36kt
resulting wind: 250° 18kt
D180 TAS indication: 151kt
Calculation how much the D180 is off:
151kt (D180 TAS indication) - 18kt (headwind component) = 133kt (GS)
133kt (GS) - 121kt (GPS GS) = 12kt
The D180 is showing 12 kt too fast.
The same calculation can be done while flying with tailwind.
151kt + 18kt = 169kt
169kt - 157kt = 12kt
The question is: How can I calibrate the D180 speed indication?
According to the D180 installation manual on page 9-5 I can calibrate the pressure sensors if airspeed is indicated wrong during takeoff speed ("Airspeed is inaccurate by between 1 and 10 knots (or equivalent, in other units) at takeoff speed.") and I did that, but it didn't solve the problem.
Is there anything I can do to fix or calibrate this? Maybe narrowing the opening of the pitot tube?
Thanks in advance!