
I love flying!
Jun 2, 2012
I noticed in the installation manual that the Dynon can push frequencies into the ICOM, but cannot receive info from it.

I had thought that the ICOM and Garmin SL40 are completely identical in terms of connection. So why is the difference?


Up Up and Away!
May 29, 2013
Sweden / Uppsala
Read page 4-16


looks like A210 is at fault here.


I love flying!
Jun 2, 2012
My question came about after reading this section. I'm trying to understand what is the issue that prevents the ICOM from behaving like the Garmin.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I think that is just a bug in the install guide. I don't know of a reason why the Icom wouldn't act like the Garmin in both directions (assuming you have the later firmware).

However, it hasn't been tested, so you're just going to need to try it. If it doesn't work, it's because the Icom doesn't send out the data the SL-40 does, not because we block it in any way.


I love flying!
Oct 26, 2011

I also am having issues with the ICOM A210. I installed wiring long ago, ICOM pin 1 to ser 2 RX (SV pin 5)and ICOM pin 2 to ser 2 TX (SV pin 6). The ICOM software version is OK (hold swap button when powering on the ICOM) and it shows version 1.53. I have set up SkyView ser 2 to 'Garmin / Apollo SL40', which automatically selects all ser 2 options and selected 'DISPLAYED COM > GARMIN / APOLLO SL40 (PORT 2)'. As far as I can find there are no settings on the ICOM side that I can change but .... (the settings menu is reached by holding down RCL for about 2 seconds and allows 32 parameters to be viewed/set but nothing related to serial communication).
When I press 'TUNE COM' twice the frequency of the selected airport will appear in the window on the ICOM so serial communication in that direction works.
But on the top row of the SV I see a red cross where the COM status should appear, checking the ser 2 RX status shows that no data at all is received (I see some activity on the TX line whenever I press the 'TUNE COM'. Long ago I have checked the wiring for the ser 2 RX, but I may have to redo that check, but that would mean removing ICOM from the panel and unplugging SkyView.
If I disable the 'displayed com' then the red box goes away but also the 'TUNE COM' options so that isn't really a solution (if I wanted to forgo the status display)


I love flying!
Oct 26, 2011
OK, yesterday I borrowed a memory scope to look at the serial signals from the A210. I connected the scope to the RX line of the A210 (SV pin 6 TX) and observed that whenever I pressed the TUNE COM button a little serial blurp appeared on the lines the signal went from idle at -4.3 Volt to +8.3 Volt active and the whole message lasted for about 31 ms, so a completely valid serial rs-232 interface. Then I monitored the returning signals: TX line of the A210 (SV pin 5 RX), I observed an idle signal of -6.5 Volt but the A210 didn't send anything. So the A210 output just sits at an idle rs-232 level and no key presses on the A210 result in any outgoing messages.
So the final conclusion, the SkyView to A210 interface allows for setting the backup frequency (but TUNE COM needs to be pressed twice), but the the ICOM A210 version 1.53 does not in it's standard configuration send out any information regarding the selected frequencies, so SkyView can't display anything (resulting in a big red X).
This mean that unless a configuration is found that makes the ICOM 210 send out data it won't work with the SkyView COM status display, and in the nominal configuration menu there are no options related to the ICOM serial output interface. Also since the TUNE COM button only appears on the SkyView when the COM status input is enabled the TONE COM is only available for users that are willing to live with a big red X on the SkyView top line


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Edmonton, AB
I think for the time being, I'll use that very valuable and rare serial port Rx/Tx pair for something more important than pushing frequencies to the A210...like XRX/APRS.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Yeah. I'm maxed out on serial ports :mad: so I'm going to stay with the GPS495->iCOM A210 combo. Actually seems a lot simpler to use then what hss been reported here about using SV to push the frequencies. :-/