I have a Garmin 530 W and a Dynon 10” and 7”. I can select an approach on the Garmin and fly it. I was thinking that if I got chart data from Seattle Avionics that I would have a second source to fly an IFR approach. I am beginning to think that this isn’t possible. The SkyView presents 3D imaging with obstacles and terrain. I can go to “INFO,” and put in an airport and fly direct to it. I can pull up all the approaches to the field. Even though there are two bearing needles, I don’t know how to have them point to a selected navaid. i can see the approach chart, but don’t know if I can use the SkyView to fly it. There is a source switch on the SkyView and on the autopilot that illuminates Garmin or SkyView on the SkyView. How do I select something for the SkyView to navigate to?