IFR certification


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
Really like what you have done with the IFR annunciator lights and swiches. This has been the obstacle to me getting my panel updated to IFR. One question for you......

I have a KLN90B installed. The issue is the lighting.....

My KLN90 has 5V lights. The install manual doesn't provide any detail between the three different versions as it relates to the annunciator lights. Should I expect 5V lights for the annunciator lights or 14V which is the system voltage?


New Member
Sep 18, 2010
Dynon's answer above is my understanding.
I fly my Skyview EFIS ADS-B out driven by a GTN750 in IFR all the time. There is no "IFR certification" in the US. I make sure I have what keeps me happy in the clouds, and that is it. I have a B&C backup alternator on my vacuum pad, and a steam guage altimater as a backup, and an independent  Garmin Nav/Com/ILS/ GS. I also utilize a small back up EFIS to back up the skyview. It goes in my other 3 1/8" hole in the panel. I practice  flying "empty panel" with the #2 nav/com and the backup mini EFIS.
That is MY  IFR certification.
OH Yes, I do get my pitot/static/altimeter done every 2 years.


New Member
Nov 21, 2010
I finally got my Garmin 300XL to talk thru the SV429 to the SV1000. It sends the flight plan from the GNC300XL to the SV1000 including the Non Precision approach fixes but I have yet to solve the annunciator requirement. I believe that a mid continent MD41-444 will do the trick but it is a TSO'd device that costs almost 2k. Anyone had any luck with this? THX