I am wondering how the new flight planner integrates with my current garmin 430 and stec ap. I currently don't have a sky view system but I am considering one. Right now I program my multiple leg flight plan (say an fir flight from JFK to ORD)... There might by 10 legs in the garmin which drives my ap with gpss. Will this new flight planning tool allow me to program my garmin box from the sky view? Or will it simply take the flight plan and display it on the sky view? Also, can the sky view direct my stec ap or will take still have to come from one of the steam gauges?
I am wondering how the new flight planner integrates with my current garmin 430 and stec ap. I currently don't have a sky view system but I am considering one. Right now I program my multiple leg flight plan (say an fir flight from JFK to ORD)... There might by 10 legs in the garmin which drives my ap with gpss. Will this new flight planning tool allow me to program my garmin box from the sky view? Or will it simply take the flight plan and display it on the sky view? Also, can the sky view direct my stec ap or will take still have to come from one of the steam gauges?