Interface with Garmin 430/530


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
I have just found that I have a data conflict when a Garmin 530/GI106A combo is linked to the Skyview via the ARINC adapter. The problem shows up when trying to use the OBS feature on the Garmin. Initially the Garmin reads the GI 106 correctly then in a matter of seconds the track defaults to 008 degrees where it rigidly stays. I have now disabled the ARINC input on the Garmin and the problem has gone. The questions I have are - am I going to lose some functionality ? Does the Skyview use this data transfer now or will it in the future?



New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Victoria, Australia
It sounds like you have the GI106A connected direct to the 530 and you have an ARINC 429 link from the Dynon. If this is the case you have 2 OBS inputs to the 530. Hence the conflict. What are you using the GI106A for? You have a fully functional HSI in Skyview. If you turn on the ARINC link again and disconnect the GI106A it will also work fine. You need to decide what is going to control CRS selection the GI106A or the Skyview HSI. You could split them and have one for GPS and one for NAV. Have a read of the SV and 530 install manuals, this should help.


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
Yes, the GI106A is directly linked to the 530. It all dates back to designing the panel some two years back when it wasn't too clear what the Skyview was going to feature. It gives me an ILS completely independant of the SkyView. Question is, if I remove the resolver output from the GI106A in favour of the ARINC data from the SkyView, will the heading bug on the Dynon the drive OBS feature on the 530?



Oct 25, 2009

I have a Garmin 430W/GI106A in my panel with Skyview and the ARINC module also. Everything about it works as I would have hoped. The rest of this DEPENDS on your 530 acting just like my 430W. I'm betting that it does.

Leave all the wires as they were and turn on the ARINC data flow in both directions and all will be well.

You control the "OBS knob" function from the Dynon HSI when Skyview is working normally. You still control the "OBS button function" on your 530. The way this works properly together is that the 530 will use the ARINC input from Skyview (through the Selected Course label) and then echo that output back to Skyview (through the Selected Course label). Don't adjust the OBS knob on the 106A at all to do this.

Verify this as follows:

1. Put a two point flight plan in the 530. Not just present position to a point, but two points distinct from present position. This will make the exercise more distinct and complete. The 530 map will show the magenta line between present position and the next point.

2. Ensure the 530 is the Skyview current nav source.

3. Press OBS on the 530, verify the OBS annunciator is on.

4. Twist the Skyview course knob a little. The 530 Map should show the magenta line moved to reflect the new course. The local 530 CDI, the 106A CDI, and the Skyview HSI will all show the same deflection and you haven't touched the 106A at all.

5. When you are done twisting the Skyview course knob, press the 530 OBS key again, the annunciator goes out and that last course you selected is now the flight plan. If you took off and engaged the Skyview autopilot in NAV mode, it would smoothly intercept and fly the selected course to the first waypoint and the 530 would sequence to the second waypoint.

6. To return to the original direct flight plan you just re-engage the flight leg the normal way with the double direct to button sequence (I think this is the same between 430 and 530).

7. To prove all is really OK, turn all Skyview screens off and your 530 and 106A will work as before (as if you had not modified anything). You will get an error for missiing ARINC data however.

Thanks Mel J.

Tom Thibault


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Victoria, Australia
OK I confirmed the 430/530 operation. If ARINC course is available it will use this as its source and only drop back to the Resolver input OBS from the GI106A if the ARINC data is missing.

Tom's account is correct, however I personally would not use this setup as the compass card on the GI106A will not correspond to the actual course being flown unless you manually update its local OBS each time the course on the SV is changed. If you do not alter the GI106A as suggested then the GI106A CDI will not be showing the true deflection from the course shown on its compass rose but in fact the deflection from the ARINC derived SV selected course. This could cause confusion under heavy workload conditions. Just my 2 cents.


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
Thanks for all the info. I will try the sequence suggested in the next couple of days. Reading through your replies I realise that one possibility is that maybe that I had the wrong nav source selected !
Thanks again all the advice.
