Internal Compass Calibration


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
I have installed my EFIS D10A successfully in the plane and connected to the running program for internal compass calibration. According to manual I have now executed ground and succeeding airborne calibrations alredy 4 times. No success, no download of the new data. Laptop program either says: "left turn not completed", or after pushing "END" button says: "EFIS not connected" even while loading screen on EFIS is visible. No, calibration possible so far. What should I do? :-/


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Are you using the correct calibration program? Just checking. We have an external cal prgram and an internal cal program. It appears you know this, but just double checking.

Second, do you see data in the window when the program is running? There should be random data showing up in the window in the middle of the screen if you are connected correctly.

Finally, can you connect using the EFIS support program? Can you do anything like check the software version or set airspeed colors?


I have the same problem. I have connection between the laptop and EFIS, am using the correct program and am able to communicate with EFIS.
I ran the calibration program three times already. :mad: Once it was not able to find the starting point of the ground run. Then it said I didn't hold long enough in the initial heading. All this after completing the full test, full three phase calibration run You would think that the program would at least be able to break up the test sequences into three parts.
It really is anoying to know the calibration was unsuccesful after the full test was done, don't you think?
I did everything by the steps you listed in the Manual, everything as it says in there. What's is the problem?

Rgds, Kris


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Kris,

The latest version of the magnetic calibration program on our website is 1.1.1.

If you use that program and you get through the calibration routine without error and it is unable to connect to the EFIS, it will generate a file for you to upload using the Dynon Support Program. Older versions of the calibration program did not do this. We recommend that you upgrade to the newest version and try again.

Please feel free to email or call us with any questions you have about this procedure. See our "Contact" page ( for details


Hi, this is Rolf again, have now tried calibration again for the fifth time as suggested and also used 1.1.1 software. No success :(. After Air left turn and End button the load process started but broke up. After landing I tried to upload the new file to the EFIS. Heading indication was then wrong by almost 180 degrees. Fortunately I had kept the old file as a backup and reloaded it again. I have read your other conversation on internal compass calibration. May be it's better to wait for your software update 2.0.9. in order to avoid the laptop for calibration. What ist your recommendation?
Regards, Rolf


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Rolf,

I apologize that the PC calibration process is not working out for you. Yes, the new 2.09 software should be out within the next few weeks. Please try that software for the calibration process. With no reliance on a PC connection, the calibration is much smoother and easier to follow.


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
finally, thank you very much. Last week down- and uploaded the new Software 2.09. On Saturday again performed calibration - first time without Laptop :). It worked very well. Result successfull. North and South exact, East and west max. deviation 3 deg. I rate it very sufficient.
Once again, thanks for the now valuable and well working software and of course for the proficient and -in time- customer support.
I'm happy with my Dynon D10A now. :D
Best regards,

Dave Lively(Guest)

Had my D-10 upgraded to D-10a last month. Had not had time to calibrate internal compass yet, so I was very happy when I found the 02.09.01 software update when I checked the website before heading to the airport with the laptop and wife to run it. We updated the D-10a with the new software and went out and did the ground swing in the dark. Then did the airrgt and airlft on a pleasent nite flight ( silky smooth and nice moon ). I waited for the unit to do its calculations since it locks up while doing them. I then did runs over the runway and found 01 deg on 360 deg, 92 deg on 90 deg, about 177 deg on 180 deg and 265-266 on 270 deg. This seems better than when it was a D-10 and is quite acceptable. I really liked being able to do the calibration without the laptop, Thanks Dynon. I have a question though. On the compass adjust does this work only for one heading or can it be used on each 90 deg. If only one should I use it on the 270 deg based on the above and will is shift all the other 90's by an equal amount ie should I shift about 2.5 on 270 (half the error) sort of like we used to do whiskey compasses. Really happy with the upgraded unit, approach had me at 2500 and I was at 2500 with the new serial to parallel converter so that works great also. :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Glad you like the new software and it worked for you!

The compass adjust adjusts the same at all headings. So you should choose the "average" of your errors. In your case, there isn't a really good "average" error, so I'd either leave it at zero or try the cal again.

Dave Lively(Guest)

Thank you for the reply. From what I read I thought that was the case with the adjust. I may try again since it is so easy now, but its certainly usable as it is. When I'm not just flying around siteseeing I am using GPS and have a backup GPS so its really there in case every thing else goes south. Being a VFR only pilot I can usually see well enough to get a good idea of direction from the sun or ground reference with a sectional to keep from getting disoriented or lost. Really like the White slip-skid ball and always visible Baro in the upgraded unit and as I said earlier the software upgrade made the calibrations really convenient also. Great Improvements Thanks for a great product at a reasonable price.

wim huisman(Guest)

1 Well, good to know, can the D-10 also use the new 2.09 SW to calibrate ??
2 When I purchased my Unit in 2003, I added the internal battery, but after 2 years it slowly started to show Internal Voltage from 11 to 8.1V, I presumed from not flying enough.
After I charged my Planes batteries although, it now shows Internal Voltage of 14.8, even 15.1 V
What is going on ??

I am a Happy userr, with approx 350 H on the unit, it has not failed or Blinked Once, very happy User.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1. Unfortunately, the EFIS-D10 is very limited in the amount of software that we can add to it. All EFIS-D10 versions are 1.XX and EFIS-D10A versions are 2.XX. One of the primary reasons we had for designing the EFIS-D10A was increased program memory, which allowed for calibration done via the EFIS software.

2. The internal battery will slowly discharge over time as it keeps the time in the EFIS. I wouldn't expect it to get as low as you're describing, but the fact that it is now charging up again is encouraging. It does take quite a while to charge the battery when it is low. Based on your purchase date, it's possible that you have a defective battery. In 2003, we received a batch of bad batteries from our vendor. Did you exchange your battery during the recall? If you haven't, please give us a call at 425-402-0433.

Glad to hear that the EFIS-D10 has performed well for you over your 350 hours!

wim huisman(Guest)

Well, this makes sense, since my Time has been not working for the last year, did not know that the extra battery also takes over this funktion.
How do I find out if my battery was one of the faulty batch ??

Wim Huisman


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We looked at the record of when you received your EFIS and yours was not in the batch of batteries that we know to be bad. You received your EFIS a month after we started shipping good batteries again.

We suggest that you run your EFIS off ship's power for a long while (either on a long flight, or with a battery charger connected to the plane's battery as you did before) to let the EFIS battery charge up. See if it gets much higher than the 15.1V that it's at now.

If that doesn't work, please let us know, and we can look into service for your battery.