I was thinking (memory) that the default was 68000 for the K-factor. Either one will get you in the ballpark and let you adjust from there.
Now fill the tanks completely full and go fly. The longer the better, burn as much fuel out of the tanks as you are comfortable with, landing near empty. One flight, 7 flights, doesn't matter - just burn the fuel, the HDX will track what it thinks is the total gallons used and show how many gallons it thinks are left in the tanks. Now fill up the tanks completely again and make note of the gallons actually pumped, versus what the fuel computer thinks should be required. Do the math to figure out a percentage of adjustment required and which direction, make an adjustment to the K-factor. Repeat. Now you'll be dialed in pretty close. Moving the K-factor larger will reduce the indicated fuel flow, making it smaller will increase it.
There will always be a little error in filling the tanks - bubbles stuck between the baffles, a not-perfect gallon meter on the fuel pump (and we only measure to a 0.1 gallon anyway), differences in density of the fuel due to temperature - but if you pump a large number of gallons instead of a small number, you will minimize these errors and get closer to the real value. That's the reason for burning as much fuel out of the tanks as reasonably possible before a refill while trying to calibrate the K-factor.