KX155/165-KN62/64 to HS34-D180


New Member
Nov 23, 2010
Good afternoon all,
writing from europe;

my questions:
1) as in the subject, i'm planning to link a couple of radio and a DME to
a HS34-D180; are those models approved-tested-working?
(this question arises from an Aug. 9 Dynon Support answer to a
similar Skyview question, where the answer is "none of the older King
Nav/Coms will work with ..." and from a local_authority unapproved
status for the SL30); can you please say a definitive word?

2) once the answer to 1) is yes, I understand D180 display DME data:
may I hide the KN62-64 somewhere, driving it from the KX while, in
turn, it drives the D180 DME display? and if yes, do you have, by chance,
a wiring diagram?

3) is there a way to switch DME1/NAV1 and DME2/NAV2 on the D180?
in the event, do you have a wiring diagram?

Going to buy the D180-HS34-AP74 nonetheless, but I would like to use
this combination

thank you very much


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
In short, the Bendix-King radios do not connect to our equipment.  The SL30 does connect easily.

You can switch NAV sources on the D180. The HS34 adds dedicated buttons to make it a little easier, so it is a good choice. Instructions for connecting and setting up the D180, HS34, and Nav sources can be found in the D180 Installation Guide, found at http://docs.dynonavionics.com.


New Member
Nov 23, 2010
Thank you very much for your fast answer :)

In short, the Bendix-King radios do not connect to our equipment.  The SL30 does connect easily.

amen to that;
but I need a suggestion for a working DME

You can switch NAV sources on the D180. The HS34 adds dedicated buttons to make it a little easier, so it is a good choice. Instructions for connecting and setting up the D180, HS34, and Nav sources can be found in the D180 Installation Guide, found at http://docs.dynonavionics.com.

thanks again


New Member
Nov 23, 2010
Thank you very much for your fast answer    :)

In short, the Bendix-King radios do not connect to our equipment.  The SL30 does connect easily.

amen to that;
but I need a suggestion for a working DME

good morning again

just to avoid a wrong purchase, I would really like a suggestion for a
working DME (working means shown on the display, obviously)

thank you


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
The only DME that I know of that might work with the D180-HS34 would be one that can talk over the ARINC-429 interface or the 0-8v (40nm/mv) analog interface.

Dynon shows a screen shot on their website that has a DME indication on it. Not sure how they came about getting this shot but you might ask them:



New Member
Nov 23, 2010
The only DME that I know of that might work with the D180-HS34 would be one that can talk over the ARINC-429 interface or the 0-8v (40nm/mv) analog interface.

I know of only two GA - DME systems: the BK one, which, according to
Dynon, does not work, and the Narco one, of which I know nothing;

Dynon shows a screen shot on their website that has a DME indication on it.

that's the start of my search

 Not sure how they came about getting this shot but you might ask them:

already done, but no joy



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Marco - I guess I was hoping some other builders might have a suggestion. I don't think too many people buy separate DMEs anymore, and instead receive DME data from a GPS.


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
Marco - I guess I was hoping some other builders might have a suggestion.  I don't think too many people buy separate DMEs anymore, and instead receive DME data from a GPS.  
But, if it is distance to waypoint from a GPS that is being displayed, it is not DME, and hopefully GPS distance is not being labeled as DME.  

DME refers very specifically to a distance from a Distance Measuring Equipment device.  Sometimes DME values are pretty much identical to info from a GPS, other times there may be very significant differences, like on a VOR approach with an off-field VOR and the missed approach point defined by a DME value.  The DME value is increasing as you approach the airport, but the GPS distance to the runway will be decreasing.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Any DME that outputs the standard 0-8V analog voltage will work with the HS34. We don't have any specific experience with the KN62/64, but if it outputs a voltage, it should work.

In this case, the KX155/165 won't work though. So you could show DME on the D180, but you'd still need a separate CDI/HSI head.

We created the screen shot with DME on it by using a simple voltage since that is all the DME puts out. We've sold over a thousand HS34's, and we don't know of a single person that has actually hooked a DME to it, which is why we don't have many suggestions for you. If you have a link to an installation manual for a DME receiver, we'd be happy to look at it for you and let you know if we think it will work.


New Member
Nov 23, 2010
First of all, sorry for this late post, busy elsewhere;

Any DME that outputs the standard 0-8V analog voltage will work with the HS34. We don't have any specific experience with the KN62/64, but if it outputs a voltage, it should work.

In this case, the KX155/165 won't work though. So you could show DME on the D180, but you'd still need a separate CDI/HSI head.

planned in this way

We created the screen shot with DME on it by using a simple voltage since that is all the DME puts out. We've sold over a thousand HS34's, and we don't know of a single person that has actually hooked a DME to it,

and so, now you know how an old dinosaur I am;
btw, what kevin wrote was exactly the reason I started querying about
true DME;

which is why we don't have many suggestions for you. If you have a link to an installation manual for a DME receiver, we'd be happy to look at it for you and let you know if we think it will work.

many thanks for this kind offer, and yes, I've a KN62-64 install
manual, but (as for now) I've decided for a D10A/AP74 with a separate
King stack, so no more need to hook up the two systems (but many
thanks again, nonetheless);


P.S. from the number of views on the thread, it seems there is still
some interest in non-G avionics