Legacy Fuel and Oil Pressure Indications Way Off


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
I did a retrofit by adding a second screen and a complete rewire of my airplane. The location and plumbing of the Legacy Fuel and oil pressure senders are the same as they were before I did the retrofit. The previous system had one Dynon Skyview screenand now I have two.. After my engine start I noticed both fuel and oil pressure indications are showing exceptionally high. Oil pressure is showing way over 100 PSI and the fuel pressure is showing 50 psi so it seems that the indicators are showing higher than normal and most certainly higher than before.

Do you know what would cause this?


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
In adding the new screen could it be possible that the settings file was altered to change the senors or sensor definitions for those two gauges?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
I think you're saying that you have the same EMS module and pressure sensors, is that right? Or did you do a retrofit of the sensors? If the latter, have you confirmed that the right sensors are still selected on the sensor setup? New displays configure the newer Kavlicos by default (since that's what we ship now), and if you were adding a new display to an old configuration, it would nominally adopt the legacy configuration if you did your network configuration from the original display (the preferred method in these cases). But, if you started from the new display when you did your network configuration, it would have sent its configuration over to the old one. Basically, start by looking at your EMS sensor mapping, and see if there's anything up there.


Jan 11, 2010
Team FWIW I have also just replaced my Fuel pressure sensor from the old to the new Kavilco. I also had the high pressure alert. I found the Kavilco sensor in the EMS menu and selected Kavilco. I rebooted the SV and found a message had come up on the Fuel pressure widget CFG? and a red cross through it. I was racking my brain and rechecked the voltages, wiring etc then realised CFG? perhaps it was to do with the config so went back into the ems set up page and found the Fuel pressure detail I originally had was missing, obviously the new deal needed to be re loaded. I reset the Kavilco Fuel pressure detail from the menu options, saved the settings went back out to the main screen and all was working fine. I test ran the engine and it is working perfectly. I imagine this detail is written somewhere but could not see to locate any detail other than the info supplied with the Sensor and the exchange info in the SV instructions. Hope this helps.. Hugh


I love aviation!
Apr 25, 2016
Richmond Hill, GA
I discovered this during my initial setup last year. If you have a widget associated with sensor and change the sensor, it breaks the connection between the two. The widget must be re-added/associated with the new sensor.