Losing confidence in Dynon


New Member
Jan 28, 2011
I am losing confidence in Dynon

I have two Dynon installations, one with a D180 and a second with a D10A and D10EMS.

Recently after over a year of use the Dynon D180 started giving spuriously low RPM values. Dynon support suggested installing a 30K resistor and then when this didn’t work suggested taking it back out again. Naturally this didn’t resolve the problem.

Then today the D10 EFIS horizon toppled whilst in smooth cloud and gave the dreaded black screen and even when reset it remained at a spurious angle.

Returning the D180 and D10EFIS from Europe to the USA would take the aircraft out of action and I am getting concerned about the reliability of these units and in particular Dynon’s commitment to proper support.

Has anyone else had similar issues and how were they resolved ?

Rgds, Nic


Oct 24, 2006
Suisun City, CA
Losing confidence?

It sounds like the D180 EFIS is working just fine. Your having a minor problem with the engine/RPM indications side of it. You do have a regular RPM indicator don't you?

The D10A another independent unit with a problem. I guess having the D180 as a primary to the D10A was a wise decision.

I would send the D10A back and have it checked out and retain the D180 so you don't have to take the plane out of action. When you get the D10A back and it checks out fine remove and send in the D180.

As for reliability, over all they have sold a lot of units and from my views a lot of PROBLEMS are self induced, not reading, understanding or following the manuals. Problems do arise, and they will usually get right on it for the customer.

I've been flying my D100 for several years without any problems. I think overall they are reliable with great customer service.  Just my opinion. ;)

Good luck


New Member
Jan 28, 2011
Thanks for your feedback.
These are separate panel installations one with D10 EFIS and D10EMS and one with a single D180, and so both installations would be down to return both the D180 and the D10EFIS.
Additionally the conflicting and incorrect advice from Dynon on the D180 rpm issue has caused hassle and no solutions as yet.
I agree on your EFIS comment and certainly wouldn't suggest relying on a single Dynon AH after my recent experience.
Rgds, Nic

Losing confidence?

It sounds like the D180 EFIS is working just fine. Your having a minor problem with the engine/RPM indications side of it. You do have a regular RPM indicator don't you?

The D10A another independent unit with a problem. I guess having the D180 as a primary to the D10A was a wise decision.

I would send the D10A back and have it checked out and retain the D180 so you don't have to take the plane out of action. When you get the D10A back and it checks out fine remove and send in the D180.

As for reliability, over all they have sold a lot of units and from my views a lot of PROBLEMS are self induced, not reading, understanding or following the manuals. Problems do arise, and they will usually get right on it for the customer.

I've been flying my D100 for several years without any problems. I think overall they are reliable with great customer service.  Just my opinion. ;)

Good luck


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
If I had to send my system back for repairs for extended periods during flying season (July-August here) I would probably just rig my ASI/Altimeter and oil temp/pressure gauges in the empty panel hole and fly it like I did before SV. ;)

On a more serious note, all my problems turned out to be my amateur wiring methods and using metal screws to mount the ADHRS. All of which Dynon talked me through the fixes.

I hope you find a way to get your systems fixed without too much down time.


New Member
Jan 28, 2011
Thanks for your input.

I emailed Dynon support this week, with the background info' (Rotax 912s, Dynon 180, 200 hrs trouble free, with recent low and eratic rpm values, and that I had followed recent Dynon instructions to install a 30K resistor which hadn't solved the problem). I asked for suggestions given that the system had previously worked without problems.

The response was singularly unhelpful - namely to "remove the 30K resistor".

Obviously, this wasn't going to solve the problem, so today I ran a new screened cable on RMP right to ensure that the input cabling was not at fault or that the LH circuit input hadn't failed.
The outcome of the flight test showed exactly the same erratic values.
So it looks like the D180 may have to go back to the USA along with the failed D10a which has an unreliable AH which topples at will.

So out of three Dynon products that I have purchased it looks as if 2 will require remedial action by the factory, but what is really frustrating is the lack of proper assistance.

Does anyone know if Dynon have a proper customer services or QA department that may be able to assist ?

Thanks, Nic

If I had to send my system back for repairs for extended periods during flying season (July-August here) I would probably just rig my ASI/Altimeter and oil temp/pressure gauges in the empty panel hole and fly it like I did before SV. ;)

On a more serious note, all my problems turned out to be my amateur wiring methods and using metal screws to mount the ADHRS. All of which Dynon talked me through the fixes.

I hope you find a way to get your systems fixed without too much down time.