Mag Calibration of D10A


New Member
Nov 4, 2008
I recently upgraded my EFIS D10 to the D10A along with the EDC-10 upgrade. I have mounted the EDC onto the same bracket that held the old EDC-10. After I performed the calibration, I am getting a tremendous error indicating 330’, with the plane pointing to 140’.
I had calibrated the old D10 with no problem, so this is puzzling. It appears to be communicating with the EDC… no heading variation with the headset test, and I have entered the inclination and intensity per the procedure. When I call up the calibration program, I get the NESW screen and it goes through the calculations. I did have the engine running when I turned the plane to the 4 headings, and aligned the plane with the magnetic compass. I had aligned my compass
with the airport’s compass rose several months ago, so I feel it is pretty accurate. Any suggestions?


New Member
Nov 4, 2008
Yes, connector to the front and tab down. It is mounted to the same bracket that held the old EDC10. After other tests, I think Dynon agres the ECD10A is bad.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
No idea what might be going on here. Did you set your inclination and magnetic intensity before you calibrated? Was your panel tilt set correctly during calibration so that the EFIS showed the actual attitude of the plane?

Does the remote compass indication move when you put a magnet near it?