I have been successful in getting my Westach Temperature sensor definition added to the sensor file and initially anyway, it looks like they are going to work fine. Thanks to support for crunching the numbers for me to make this part work. I am able to assign the sensors to pins and display the various gauge types etc.
I am still having some difficulty with the AFR gauge that I would like to display. I have an electrically dependant engine so it is very important for me to monitor both my main and backup busses, so I have pins 1 and 2, the only pins labled as voltage inputs on the DB37, used to monitor those voltages.
I was hoping to use pin 22 for the AFR and call the function voltage, but it will not allow that use. Is there any way to use one of the other functions to allow the AFR display? Input is linear voltage signal from 0 to 5 volts. I hate to have to cut a hole in the panel for an AFR Steam Gauge but it seams like I may be up against the limits of the system as it stands today? Any hope for a generic sensor as mentioned above by mmarien? Other possible solutions?
FWIW, I also have had my system crash and reboot when trying to configure the AFR on pin 22. I have the sensor definition in the file, specifying pin 22 as one of the pins suitable for use, and for some reason pin 22 keeps showing up as an available sensor in the sensor display widget page, even though I have selected "unused" in the pin mapping. If I select it the system crashes and reboots.