Marker Beacon Receiver


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I know you haven't been into radios before, but here's an idea that may be simple and get a good response.

Many homebuilders use simple intercoms rather than a full comm panel, and thus do not get the "freebie" of the often-included marker beacon receiver. As I understand it, these receivers are REALLY simple and your EFIS already has the ability to display / play audio for the outputs.

A simple Marker Beacon Receiver with no independent display meant to hook up to your EFIS would be really nice!


Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
Tucson, AZ
If you are really interested, I have one that I would be happy to sell you. It is an RST-522 (
) marker beacon receiver kit, built and tuned. Works fine and is in like new condition with about 20 hours total time. It hooks right up the the Dynon inputs and drives the Dynon MB displays. Comes with construction and operating manuals. $110 including shipping.

Mel Jordan


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
If you are really interested, I have one that I would be happy to sell you. It is an RST-522 (
) marker beacon receiver kit, built and tuned. Works fine and is in like new condition with about 20 hours total time. It hooks right up the the Dynon inputs and drives the Dynon MB displays. Comes with construction and operating manuals. $110 including shipping.

Mel Jordan

Hi Mel,

Check your PMs.

Something to compete with their inexpensive product was exactly what I was suggesting that Dynon build and sell - primarily because so many people have had bad customer service experiences with RST, and those unhappy customers would rather send their money to Dynon than to a vendor who has "socialization issues."


New Member
May 4, 2007
Come on guys,

Let's stop asking Dynon to spend their limited R&D resources just to build cheaper versions of already existing products (intercoms, nav/coms, marker beacon recievers etc.).

But if you've got an idea for a "better mousetrap", by all means pass it along.



New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Come on guys,

Let's stop asking Dynon to spend their limited R&D resources just to build cheaper versions of already existing products (intercoms, nav/coms, marker beacon recievers etc.).

But if you've got an idea for a "better mousetrap", by all means pass it along.



This is a section for suggestions.  There is already a "cheap" solution out there, but their customer service stinks.  It is an opportunity for Dynon to have another profitable product which integrates into their EFIS.

Has anyone ever suggested to you that you might be just a little bit, err, negative?



New Member
May 4, 2007
It is an opportunity for Dynon to have another profitable product which integrates into their EFIS.

You've obviously not a businessman. A low cost stand alone MB receiver would never be a profitable product for Dynon and they know it. The market isn't big enough and it's already saturated.

But hey, you're more than welcome to try to gather the 250-500 pre-orders that they would need to even consider the idea... (I doubt that El-Cheapo (RST) has even sold that many of their units).


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
It is an opportunity for Dynon to have another profitable product which integrates into their EFIS.

You've obviously not a businessman.

An interesting, if incorrect, deduction.  My successful business is based on identifying and realizing market opportunities for my clients.  I have been sufficiently successful at that that, starting from broke 15 years ago, I have two paid off houses and a paid off airplane.  How about you?

A low cost stand alone MB receiver would never be a profitable product for Dynon and they know it.

Really?  And you know this - how?  Are you are a maker of integrated circuits?  

RST is selling kits for $110, and obviously makes a profit or he wouldn't do it.  Adding this somewhat simple circuitry into the Dynon EFIS might cost another $5-15 in volume production - and since the majority of home builders use an Intercom instead of a full audio panel I suspect that quite a few would be willing to pay an extra $50 or more for the feature.  Now, I'm only a Math major but I think that would be profitable...

The market isn't big enough and it's already saturated.

You've done a market study?  Please, provide the link!

Googling "Marker beacon," I have only come up with three varieties of Marker Beacon receiver - but please tell me if I've missed something.
1.  Built-in on advanced Audio panels
2.  Stand alone - lowest price I found was about $700 retail, although there may be better bargains.
3.  $110 kit from RST, you assemble it and then connect it to your EFIS.  That probably means the component costs are around $10-20, and some of that is in the packaging and case.  Like you I agree that he probably hasn't sold too many of them - if for no other reason than his bad reputation.  Dynon could doubtless sell more.

But enough.  You will be negative because you are negative.  Dynon can make up their own minds.  I've already purchased a used receiver, so it won't matter to me except that I would be happier if I knew that any customer service concerns I had would be handled by Dynon.


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
Wellington Aero Club (FD38) FL
I had an RST MB in my BD-4 for years until I discovered (by chance) that the Garmin GMA-340 I bought and installed had one built in.

The RST unit was fun (very easy) to build and worked like a champ. I didn't have any interaction with RST other than the order so I have no comment on customer service.

Even though I have a MB in my audio panel I would love for Dynon to include one as suggested on the ah em..suggestion board.

I like the idea of cockpit integration - I want all my boxes speaking the same language and with the same trusted quality and reliability.

So my wish list for Dynon is as follows (not in order):

AP (3 axis)
GPS Map integration w Weather w Traffic
Audio Panel
Heated Shiatzu Massage cockpit seats
The ability to selectively "block" BB PITA's ;D

All in one box (with only 1 DB-9 for S/W updates) or connected via DSAB


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Hmmm, I assume then that you are recommending that they build the MB into the audio panel? Or separate? If they'd had a combined unit I might have ditched my intercom.

For the radio, MGL is supposed to be working on an SL30 knockoff. That would be nice, and it is stand-alone enough that I'm not so particular whether Dynon makes it or not. I still have to find room to squeeze in another radio - my 480 takes up a lot of that little panel.


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
Wellington Aero Club (FD38) FL
Yes I think the MB and Audio panel make a natural pair.

Who is MGL??

For a very functional and reliable radio that takes up very little space I put in a microair VHF and have used it as my B/U for several years with ZERO trouble. Don't let the low power scare you away it has plenty for the LOS distances you'll have at the altitudes we typically fly and provides crystal clear comms both in and out. I think they make a transponder as well equally small panel footprint.



New Member
May 4, 2007
Anyone (besides PhantomPholly) want a Dynon MB reciever?


Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?...

<sound of pin dropping>
<sound of crickets chirping>


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Anyone (besides PhantomPholly) want a Dynon MB reciever?


Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?...

<sound of pin dropping>
<sound of crickets chirping>

That makes two for and one dead set against - well, just about everything...



New Member
May 4, 2007
That makes two for and one dead set against - well, just about everything...

Sorry, it's only you that wants one.

Ken aready has TWO MB recievers installed in his BD-4. I don't think he wants a third...

Anyone else?... Anyone?... Anyone?...


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
Wellington Aero Club (FD38) FL
Actually I'm all for it! I wouldn't have three I'd have only one cause Dynon being smart they'd build the MB into an audio panel that is built into their radios which is built into their FADEC which is built into their Auto Pilot which is built into their EFIS/ get the point (or all connected through DSAB) at which time I'd dump the others on Ebay and purchase a fully integrated cockpit with great customer support and is continually a bonus they let customers test it for them!!! So yes that makes at least two of us.

BTW...when I put the garmin in I sold the RST for $95 so I only have one MB now.

Reading this board sure is fun!



New Member
May 4, 2007
Ken, you're asking for a MB receiver to be integrated into a Dynon audio panel (when and if they build one). That's a big "no-duh" as they'd be stupid to not include a MB receiver as part of a fully integrated avionics suite. If it ever happens, it's a long way off.

I'm afraid that PhantomPholly is still the only one who wants Dynon to offer a low cost, stand alone MB reciever.

Unless there's someone else... Anyone?... Anyone?... Anyone?...


New Member
Apr 20, 2008
MB receivers are ANCESTOR WORSHIP.

Let them go the way of the AN range.

I fly for a living and can't remever the last time I actually turned the thing on. Move on!


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
I, too, would be happy to see them go the way of the Dodo.

However, there is this little issue of what equipment renders you LEGAL to fly an approach. Last time I checked there were still some approaches which required the MB. Also may be needed if your GPS goes Tango Uniform. If you're not a stickler for such things, or if you only fly to runways that do not require it, more power to you.

No longer matters to me, I bought a used receiver.