Thanks, yes I've finally figured out how to know which version I have and it is 2.11.
I used a friends Stratus ads-b receiver yesterday and it showed my correct tail number and hex code. I sent this to the transponder test guy and his reply was "The picture that you enclosed is ADS-B data. That is not the same as transponder data. If you look at the pic that you took of my tester on the day I visited, you can see that Flight ID being read out on my tester also showed the correct tail number. I guess I am saying that the data is inconclusive at this time."
I honestly don't understand what he means by "transponder data".
He's now sheltering in place so who knows if I'll ever get this plane in the air.
Well your ADS-B data is being transmitted via your
DYNON SV-XPNDR-261 transponder. If you show the correct tail number then your transponder is sending out the correct tail number. In the transponder data stream, Flight ID is not the same as Tail Number and your avionics guy "should" know this.
What change(s) did you do in the configuration? Deleted the Flight ID information I assume.
FWIW; hang in there for your Airworthiness Certificate. My airplane was ready for it's Airworthiness inspection on September 1, 2001. It didn't get it's certificate until November 1, 2001.