My V35 Bonanza setup


Sep 12, 2020
Finally, after 2 months in the shop and a couple of setbacks, picked up my plane today!
So far so good - I really like the system, but needs some time to get used to after steam gauges (even though I had G5 in the panel before).

Autopilot is great and was handling the turbulence very well. Yaw damper is pure magic in Bonanza!

Now need to do something to this rusty chart holder :)



Active Member
Nov 18, 2019
looks like you are not using the dynon transponder, what are you doing for ADS-B? Is there any integration with the Dynon and the radio?


Sep 12, 2020
looks like you are not using the dynon transponder, what are you doing for ADS-B? Is there any integration with the Dynon and the radio?

I have BendixKing KT-74 (ADS-B out only) that I installed back in 2014. Nothing fancy, but does its job well.
I use Dynon as an altitude encoder source for my transponder instead of my old encoder, but other than that it’s not integrated (it does announce ADS-B In capability though).

My Garmin 430W gets EFIS data from Dynon and provides GPS position (in addition to Dynon’s own antenna) and ARINC output for flight plan/CDI.

King KX-155 is too old to integrate in any way, so I had to keep a separate CDI for it.


I love flying!
Feb 18, 2015
Questions on V35 install:
1) Where did you mount the remote compass module?
2) When you take out the beech manifold / fuel flow gauge, what do you do with the fuel & vent ports? Do you just cap them off or connect them together?



Sep 12, 2020
Questions on V35 install:
1) Where did you mount the remote compass module?
2) When you take out the beech manifold / fuel flow gauge, what do you do with the fuel & vent ports? Do you just cap them off or connect them together?


1. In the back, on a custom shelf mounted to the ceiling, over and slightly aft of the servos.
2. Not sure. I believe we replaced the plumbing and just connected this to the fuel pressure sensor instead.


I love flying!
Feb 18, 2015
Thank you!

Any other gotchas or things I should look forward to?


Sep 12, 2020
Thank you!

Any other gotchas or things I should look forward to?

We had some issues with the roll servo bracket mounting. It aligned perfectly with the existing holes, but the capstan had almost no clearance with the control cable. We had to slot the holes a little bit.

Make sure you align the magnetometer/ADAHRS well. I wish there was a way to compensate for installation misalignment in software, like Garmin does. You can set pitch offset in the software, although it’s there for another reason, but not yaw/roll.

Also, don’t use supplied Bonanza configuration files, they are full of errors. Just start with the default one and configure everything through the menu. Make sure you use correct sensor definitions (e.g. Kavlico v2 150psi for all pressure sensors) and set the limits as per POH. DO use the autopilot config though.

Another gotcha is that don’t use Sandisk Ultra Fit USB 3.1 flash drive for Seattle Avionics charts - it will prevent the screens from booting up when the flash drive is inserted. The older SanDisk Cruzer Fit (USB 2.0) works well though.

Other than that the installation is very straightforward and we didn’t have many issues. Our pitch servo was DOA, so we spent some time scratching our collective head (with Dynon) as for why the servo calibration fails even though all servos are detected in the network. Found the broken servo by elimination process running calibration with one servo disconnected and pretending that I still have roll and pitch servos.

Back up your configuration, just in case. Don’t forget to set Hobbs and Tach in EMS during initial configuration (write down old numbers if you have electronic ones before taking them out).

Checklist is the most underrated feature! After I took some time preparing my custom checklists, I don’t use the paper ones anymore. You can use Excel-based checklist creator from Dynon (if you need one that works with Mac, pls let me know), and I also have my own checklist creation tool that I hope to publish on the web (for free) soon.


I love flying!
Feb 18, 2015
Thanks much, finishing up my install. I too had to slot the roll servo mounting points to move it aft about 1/4" to provide adequate clearance. The avionics shelf for the right display interferes with the yoke/scissor mechanism so could only use one avionics tray behind the leftmost display. Other than those two minor changes a very straightforward install.

Do you have an example 337 completed I could share with mechanic? He asked - makes his job a bit easier if he has one to use as a template.