
New Member
Jul 29, 2008
I'm running 5.4 and continue to have this problem in my RV9A and D100. Normally it occurs about once every 30 minutes but last Monday on a XCountry return trip it stated loosing the GPS Nav source every 2 minutes, literally! I then reconfigured the GPS AvMap IV to send updates at 9600 baud rsther than 4800. Also reconfigured the D100 from auto baud rate to manual, 9600 baud. The AP then worked OK for next 15 minutes until the flight ended. I doubt if chaning the baud rate really fixed anything, just altered behavior a bit.

Now I'm going to whine a bit. This has been an ongoing problem since the AP was released, i really think it should have been solved by now. I know Dynon would like to reproduce the behavior on the bench in a controlled environment to fully understand the failure and make a good fix BUT that simply isn't always possible. I really think, some educated guesses are called for, increase some parameters, lower some tolerances, increase retrys, it appears the behavior has not changed one bit since the release of the product.

Finally, PLEASE add an audio alert when the AP looses the NAV source and switches to track mode. When flying cross country most pilots do not stare at the EFIS and do not become aware of loosing NAV source until they notice they are significantly off course. I really think an audio alert is called for.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
I am sure Dynon are working on it, the problem would appear to be the serial output from the Garmin handhelds.

For anyone reading this, I use the GNS530W and it communicates via ARINC429 to the HS34.

Has anyone tried sending data to the EFIS via a HS34? I can't think why unless you were using a VOR and HS34, and had the serial data from a G396/496 sent to the HS34.

Just a random thought.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
When using an HS34 all data sources must use the HS34 as the primary means of getting the data into the EFIS.

The Nav Source Lost issue happens with most if not all NMEA GPS signals not just the Garmins.

The ARINC systems seem to be immune to this issue.