Need Additional inputs for EMS-220


Active Member
Sep 24, 2007
Tehachapi, CA 93561
So I've got a COZY MKIV with a dual bus electrical system (two alternators, two batteries, based on the AEC Z-14 schematic). At this point, pretty much EVERY input to the EMS-220 is taken up with some sort of sensor except for C37 P11 which I'm holding in reserve for when I get around to installing a pitch trim position sensor.

However, I'd really like to also install the following:
  • Oil Level sender
  • Battery #1 fault indicator
  • Battery #2 fault indicator
  • Starter Engaged Contact
  • Tire Pressure indicator
  • CO detector
  • SpO2 sensor
  • O2 tank pressure
Yeah, sure - these are "nice to haves", and are neither critical to safety nor required (obviously), but it's annoying that I've run out of inputs. Is there any way to add 5 - 10 (or more) additional sensor inputs to the Skyview system? There are apparently numerous pins on the Skyview display's D37 connector, but the installation manual explicitly says not to connect anything to them, as they're reserved for "future use". Well, it's the future, and I'd like to use them.

This page:

says that two EMS-220's can be used to monitor two engines or one many cylinder engine (up to 28 EGT/CHT's) but doesn't say anything about additional sensor inputs other than EGT/CHT's, and I couldn't find anything in the install manual about any of this either.

As our aircraft become more complex and intelligent, more sensor inputs are needed - how do we get there from here?



Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
With the extended EMS, only the EGTs and CHTs are addressable and available, but not the 37 pin connector pins, unfortunately. The new dual EMS functionality might fit the bill, but also might not exactly fit your use case since it's really looking for both engines to be there. I'll ask around. though.

See below update...
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Active Member
Sep 24, 2007
Tehachapi, CA 93561
With the extended EMS, only the EGTs and CHTs are addressable and available, but not the 37 pin connector pins, unfortunately. The new dual EMS functionality might fit the bill, but also might not exactly fit your use case since it's really looking for both engines to be there. I'll ask around. though.
Thanks. Another addition would be more Serial lines. It doesn't take a lot to use them all up - between the transponder, ADS-B, ELT and GPS-2020, that's 4 out of 5, and if I added the backup GSP250, there'd be none left over for a CO detector, SpO2 monitor, or O2 pressure monitor (and certainly not all three). I realize that most aircraft don't necessarily have that many inputs, but it would be good to have the expansion capability for both contacts, voltage inputs, and serial lines. I don't recall exactly how many the G3X systems I've installed have, but between the GEA-24 and the GAD-27, there are a LOT of discretes. IIRC, the serial lines are not duplicated, so you end up with the capability to have more inputs there, as well.

Of course, if all these components just talked on a network... But I'm dreaming :).


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
With the extended EMS, only the EGTs and CHTs are addressable and available, but not the 37 pin connector pins, unfortunately. The new dual EMS functionality might fit the bill, but also might not exactly fit your use case since it's really looking for both engines to be there. I'll ask around. though.
GRT offers a "serial expander module". It plugs into an existing serial port and then provides three more. Could Dynon do something along these lines? Ideally, taking one serial port to add five more?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Actually, turns out I may have been sliiighly (completely) wrong above:

It looks like when using a second EMS to extend (not in dual engine mode), you CAN in fact use the other pins for whatever you'd like. One quirk is that only the thermocouples on the second EMS will show up in the datalog, if that's important to you.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2007
Tehachapi, CA 93561
Actually, turns out I may have been sliiighly (completely) wrong above:

It looks like when using a second EMS to extend (not in dual engine mode), you CAN in fact use the other pins for whatever you'd like. One quirk is that only the thermocouples on the second EMS will show up in the datalog, if that's important to you.
Hmmm. So for $650, I can add a bunch more "A", "B" and "C" inputs (no more serial lines, though), and a bunch more TC's as well. But I can't get a datalog of their values (except for the TC's). Is this a correct interpretation of your statement?

Thanks for looking into this further...