New Display update...


New Member
Jun 13, 2006
:'(While I appreciate all the support you have from Beta Testers who have the software and the requirement for stable releases , it is very frustrating to have to log on 5 time a day to see if the update is there . Rather than site windoze as an example which is perhaps the lowest common denominator I would suggest that an old business maxium become the watchwords " under promise and over deliver "

I will continue to peek into the cookie jar every day until it has contents .


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I would suggest that an old business maxium become the watchwords " under promise and over deliver "

There's only one way to do this with a complex software project, and that's to not announce it at all before hand. In that case you'd need to look at our site every day, since you wouldn't have any idea when we're going to release anything!

Being a week or two behind schedule on a multi-month software project is actually pretty impressive, especially when you consider that we were basically exactly on schedule until a bug was found on the day we were ready to release.


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
Better it was found before release than after. The current revision with winds aloft calculations impressed my CFI during my last BFR in my RV-9A. Now it is going to get better - - what a blast.

As for software bugs in Windoze...been there, got burned on service pack 2, etc.

Ready to upgrade when you guys post the new stuff. I have had great success with my Dynon D-10A with the software upgrades so far. It is good to see you are keeping the bugs out of released software!


Jerry K. Thorne
East Ridge, TN
RV-9A - - N2PZ


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
But maybe smaller steps? It would make a lot of folks like me a lot happier.
Smaller steps are not better- they slow everything down. Beta testing, quality testing, and release testing all take a LOT of time, and they take about the same amount of time no matter how much stuff you have added. The smaller we make our releases, the less we can get out every year because we spend so much time verifying it. You have to understand that every time we make a change to the software we have to check EVERY function of the unit. We currently target two releases a year, and we think that's a pretty good balance.

No fuel pressure, the UMA diff sender is not recognised
This is not a bug, it's a feature request. We never promised anyone support of the UMA sensor when we sold them a unit. Because it's a feature, it needs to be prioritized with a huge list of other stuff. We fix all known bugs in each release, but we can't add all features, or we'd never get a release out.

No coolant temp because the rotax sensor works as cht (aux input) but is not an option on coolant temp
Not 100% sure what you are asking for here, but again, this is not a bug, it's a feature request. Please describe what you want further and we'll add it to the list.

Fuel flow sensor power comes on while unit is turned off for no apperant reason (on always on or internal?)
This is not a bug. It's part of the design, was known during the design, and cannot be changed in software. This power will be on whenever you are charging your internal battery. If you don't want it, disconnect keep alive, since that's where the power is coming from.

Problems with the internal battery, keeps draining main empty over always on, never seems to charge to a usefull level
We believe this is fully fixed in this upcoming release. As you can see, we have fixed all the actual bugs in this release, and we have added a huge number of features. They may not be the exact features you were looking for, but they are the ones we believe will help the largest number of customers.

Also, please remember that all of these updates are FREE for current customers. Because of this, we have to focus our updates on things that we believe will help us sell the most new units. If we don't, we'll disappear as a company and you won't get any new updates at all. We fully intend to support and add features to current customers for as long as we can, but we do have to focus on new revenue projects as a reality of business.

For every customer that bought a D180 a few months ago and wishes it did a little bit more, there are 100 customers that bought a D10A in July of 2004 that have received incredible updates to their products for free and are amazed at how much we have added.


New Member
Dec 25, 2006
Hi Dynonsupport,
First of all: Dynon was recommended to me by a professional home build build facility, as the only one that works out of the box.
And, while i have not seen others, was true for the Flightdek i bought. It works. Sofar so good.
If your own goal is to release updates 2 x per year, this one is about half a year late, instead of one month.
Without digging through this forum again, your or your companies reply to the UMA fuel diff sensor was "probably future release". Not "a" future release.
The 1.08 version does not have the Rotax cht sensor, which is for all practical means coolant temp, as a sensor option in coolant temp. In a reply to a mail from another costomer you were surprised about this miss and happely announced that this customer had found a bug. So in your own reply, you recognised this as a bug, not a feature request. A bug is something that happens, out of specification. There is no specification to my knowledge that states that the external fuel sensors (and matronix box) will be powered every time the internal battery charges from keep-alive. So, again, it is a bug. Hardware maybe, but a bug until you correct it or change your specification.

Happy about the one bug you seem to have erased from my list, the erratic internal bat charge behaviour.

One reason for buying the Dynon unit, is that you promise free updates. As such i can't see such an update as something i should be especially gratefull about. I, and everybody else payed for it as part of the specification, part of the deal. It's a pity improvement of Rotax engine support does not seem to be a priority.
But to put some cheese on the cake, it's still a lot better then Rotax own flydat :) Hope you will improve even further.


Jos Okhuijsen


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

We've changed so much stuff in this release that sometimes even we forget!

The Rotax coolant temp is fixed in this upcoming release. We have a bug/feature tracking system and it's in there as a resolved issue.

Our last release was the end of October 2006. October + 6 months is the end of April. We're basically 8 months for this release, but it's a huge one.

There's nowhere written that there won't be 12V on the fuel flow line when the screen is off, so I don't see how this doesn't meet a spec or can be called a bug. There also isn't a spec anywhere that we say it's OK to run a non-Dynon load off this 12V output, so running the matronics box off here is an out-of-spec use as well. If it works, that's OK, but we never claimed anything about this being a designed use for this output.