New expansion module


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Hello support,

If you have a dual screen D180/D100 system, do you need two expansion modules or will only one be required for full functionallity on both screens when connected to the Dynon bus?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
One HS34 can act as an HSI source to multiple units over DSAB. Additionally, its light sensor auto-dimming capability will apply to all units in the system. However, to eliminate confusion the value adjustment knob (the topmost knob of the three) will only work with one unit. You essentially pair the HS34 with one of the Dynon units, allowing you to use the knob to adjust any displayed value on the paired unit.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
Will DSAB now be on both the EFIS & EMS now with this coming update, so that we don't need the RS232 link between them?


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Let me ask a couple additional questions...

So if you want to use the knob at the top on both units, you must have two expansion modules correct?

Also, if you want two independant HSI displays (one on each screen with different obs settings and tuned to different freqs or displaying different gps data) you would need two expansion modules connected to different radios correct?

Trying to think of what would be needed for a complete virtual glass dual nav/gps solution.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We don't currently really have support envisioned for multiple HS34's in the same plane if the units are on the same DSAB network. If you want to do it, the only way for sure would be two D10A's or two D100's, each one only connected to one HS34. We might support this better in the future. Also, it matters how you need to hook you radios up. It is possible for one HS34 to have different OBS settings on different radios at the same time, but we'd need to figure out how to make this work from a UI standpoint.

The value knob at the top is almost always used for baro, sometimes used to set bugs, and sometimes used to set the bearing pointers. There isn't much use for two in an airplane. Once the HS34 is out, your baro and bugs will be sync'd between all of your units, so you only need to set them once. Of course, if you need to isolate the networks, this is out the window.

One thing to consider is that the HS34 gives you two additional bearing pointers, so you may not really need two HSI's.

In any case, give us a chance to get this thing up and running with one main source and two bearing pointers working with as many radios as we can before we get really crazy with the connection options ;).


New Member
Nov 2, 2006
Additionally, its light sensor auto-dimming capability will apply to all units in the system.

The light sensor sounds like a great idea until you start considering things like tandem cockpits and alternative locations for mounting the HS34 (like the side console or an area with generally completely different lighting conditions than the instrument panel). Will this feature be able to be disabled?

In my case, I have tandem seats. What works for me in the front may not suit the person in the aft cockpit. Additionally, the only remaining real estate in my cockpit is way down on the right side console where it is always darker than the panel. I might suggest that you also use a reversible faceplate (like the old Narco Marker Beacons) to allow the HS34 to be mounted either vertically or horizontally.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2005
I think it would be nice to be able to take input from a general input on the EMS and pass it over DSAB to all the Dynon screen dimmers. surely that should be pretty simple (at some point) in software now that you have a light sensor in the new module controlling brightness over DSAB?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The light dimming can be disabled and enabled at any time from the dim menu. It can also be adjusted if you want it brighter or darker than it would normally be, but you still want it to dim/brighten as the light changes.

The hardware for the HS34 doesn't have a "faceplate". The face and the case is an extrusion with side plates on it, so there's nothing to be flipped. On top of that, there are backlit buttons on the unit that wouldn't rotate with just a faceplate flip.

We do plan on supporting an EMS GP input (or HS34 GP input) as a dimming input once we have full DSAB later this year.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
One thing to consider is that the HS34 gives you two additional bearing pointers, so you may not really need two HSI's.

Oh, so the additional inputs supported by the HS34 also enable additional pointers on the hsi? If this is true, thats great because looking at one HSI is better than two IMHO.  But how are you going to say, set the OBS for say a 430 connected on the 429 interface and also set the obs for a SL30 on the serial interface?

Can you hook both a 430 and a SL30 up to the 429 interface?  Lots of people have this combo and will be interested in how to get the best use out of this system.

Also, if you have a D180 and a D100 for EFIS redunancy, and your D180 primary fails, will the D100 be able to display the same HSI that you had running on the D180? Is everything that the HS34 controls mirrored to both screens when they are connected on the DSAB bus?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The additional pointers are bearing pointers, always pointing directly to the station. You don't need to set an OBS to do this.

You can't hook up the 430 and SL-30 via ARINC at the same time, but you can hook up the 430 via ARINC and the SL-30 via serial at the same time. The SL-30 can do everything via serial so this doesn't lose any functionality of the SL-30. This will be a fully supported configuration.

If you have a D100 and a D180 and one fails, the HSI will be mirrored and will continue to work.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Other than the 430/530, we do not yet have a list of radios that are known to work. As we get further into our testing program we'll have more details to share.


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
It's May 2 and I'd like to place an order for the expansion module. Can I do that online, if so how?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
For now, you'll need to call to order the module. We need to speak with our customers and verify that the radios they are using are on our expected compatibility list.


New Member
May 4, 2007
I wold LOVE to have the HS34 in my plane (SL30/D180) as it solves my biggest complaint with the HSI (no knobs for course/heading). However, I do not have the space on my panel.

Are there plans to for a remote version of the unit with the controls mounted separately? Or, could the unit be modified to accomplish the same thing?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I assume you mean space behind the panel? A remote mounted face would still be the same size.

There are no plans for a remote version of it. The buttons and knobs on the front are all backlit, and there is a light sensor and status lights on the panel as well. There is no easy way for us to break everything apart.


New Member
May 4, 2007
No, I mean space ON the panel.

Reading some of the other posts, I don't seam to be alone. There seams to be great support for a remote version with a smaller footprint control unit.

Or, maybe we're looking at this the wrong way.

While the new expansion module has LOTS of kewl features (like all the I/O ports), I think that most people who have a D180, SL30 and 496 (fast becoming THE standard panel for LS and smaller experimentals) would simply like to have the source switches, course knob and heading knob (and maybe Baro knob). All of the other features are in the "nice to have" category as opposed to the "need to have" category.

How about a "simpler" (and smaller footprint) product that just provides remote HSI source selection, course selection and heading selection?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
How would you like to see us cram three knobs (each with their own push to select) and two buttons into a smaller space?

We designed it that size not because the hardware behind it needed to be that size, but because it needs to be that size for ergonomic reasons. The price and size is not driven by the additional I/O in the box.


New Member
Nov 5, 2006
I am going to need to use the new expansion module as I plan to use the GNS430W, however, I do not have room in my panel for the vertical version without putting it way over on the right side. I would prefer it on my side!
There was some discussion earlier about plans to make a horizontal version that could possibly go in the radio stack. What is happening with this possibility??
