New install--3 problems: Trim, carb temp, alarms


New Member
Apr 17, 2011
I have installed a D-120 stand-alone EMS. I have 3 problems showing up:

1. My elevator trim is connected to GP input3. I have it showing in the display but the position indicators (the 2 arrows on either side of the bar) are moving up and down continually. Any ideas why? (Specifically, where did I scew up the wiring?)

2. My carb temp is the Dynon supplied sensor with 2 white/black wires. One wire is connected to the input without a resistor and one is connected to ground. The carb temp is reading 106 degrees when ambient temp is 58. Why?

3. Although I set the "PWR ON ALARMS" to OFF, I still get flashing indicators on the EGT, CHT and Oil press, indicating they are out of limits. This happens when I power up the Dynon before engine start.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

John Ciolino


New Member
Apr 17, 2011
Re: New install--3 problems: Trim, carb temp, alar

Well, if all else fails read the manual --- and the forums. I corrected the carb temp problem by changing the sensor to Type 3 (it's in the manual) and I also found other posts in the forums explaining the flashing out of limit indicators for EGT, CHT and oil pressure (it's the way it is supposed to work). Now all I have to do figure out the trim issue. Anyone have any ideas?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: New install--3 problems: Trim, carb temp, alar

Did you calibrate the trim? If not, that's probably the issue.


New Member
Apr 17, 2011
Re: New install--3 problems: Trim, carb temp, alar

I calibrated the trim but there was no change in the "value" which according to the manual means there is a wiring issue. The Dynon is replacing another EMS and the trim inciator was working OK when the old system was removed. I verified that the 5v connection and ground is good and that the white/green wire from the elev trim is connecteed to the GP3 wire. Still no joy! Any suggestions?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: New install--3 problems: Trim, carb temp, alar

If it's a ray allen trim motor, you should be able to measure a variable voltage coming off the white/green wire. Just to note the general installation instructions - the white/orange should go to our 5V output, the white/blue to ground, and the white/green to the GP input of your choice.


New Member
Apr 17, 2011
Re: New install--3 problems: Trim, carb temp, alar

Trim indicator problem solved! Just for the record: I am replacing another manufacturer's EMS. Their installation has dedicated trim sensors for Ail trim, Elev trim and flap postion. However they require you to gang together the power and ground sensor leads, i.e. there is one ground, one power and 3 sense leads for Ail/Elev/Flap position which get attached to the EMS.

When I installed the Dynon, I left the power and ground leads for all three connected and attached them to the power/ground leads from the Dynon harness. The Elev sense lead was connected to GP3. Either my original wiring was bad (but all three trim indicators worked in the old EMS) or the basic architecture is just not compatible with the Dynon. But in either case when I dis-assembled the power and ground leads and connected just power/ground/sense leads for the elevator trim it worked.

John Ciolino