newcomer's wiring questions


New Member
May 19, 2009
Dear Dynon Support Global Moderator,

complete newby to the Dynon-world, yet quite impressed by the speed and competence of this support blog!
Just ordered my system, now awaiting it to come like children awaiting Santa…  ;D[ch61514]

My config will be D10A + EMC 10A (+ OAT-probe) + HS34, linked to a single GNS430, no XPDR link or AOA input. Installation will be on a metallic instrument panel / support.

Few questions in the beginning (for harness set-up):

* D10A installation Manual shows in D10A wiring diagram on page 2-2 a shielded RS232 cable, however WD of HS34 (page 7-13) doesn't.
The two RS232 connectors (for D10A and for HS34) will be mounted on the metallic panel.
From reading the blogs I learned that shielded RS232 is not mandatory. Anyhow, if I want to use shielded cables (due to availability), where do I have to ground the shield:
  - not at all,
  - next to the EFIS resp. HS34, or
  - next to the connectors?
* Same diagram shows a shielded cable from EFIS D10A to the EDC unit, however the detailed installation- / wiring hints on the following pages do not recall the shielding.
  - Do I have to ground the housing of the EDC D10A?
  - Where do I have to ground the shield:
     - not at all,
     - next to the EFIS, or
     - next to the EDC?
* For the DSAB a pair of twisted cables should be used. When using a shielded cable (due to availability), where do I have to ground the shield:
  - not at all,
  - next to the EFIS D10A, or
  - next to the HS34?
* Is there any benefit to shield the Arinc 429 communication wires between GNS430 and HS34? And – in case of – same question as above where to ground the shield:
  - not at all,
  - next to the EFIS D10A, or
  - next to the HS34?

Thanks in advance



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The general rule of thumb should be "don't worry about it." None of our signals really require shielding. These connections are pretty robust and we don't really ever have issues with them.

If you are using shielded cable, shield it only at one end. The end you do it at doesn't technically matter, so do it where convenient.

You do not need to specifically ground the EDC case.

ARINC-429 should be twisted like DSAB.

Good luck with your install!


New Member
May 19, 2009
Thanks for this info, will keep you updated about progress of installation!

:) Klaus