OK I need some help. I have the shunt installed and wired per the manual, each side going to pins 24 and 25 of the EMS 220 but have no charge or discharge showing on the skyview screen. Do I need to "install" something in the skyview to make it read out the charge and discharge amps? I know it is charging, I get a rise in the volts to 14 when increasing RPMs and should get a discharge (like -4 amps or so when engine is not running).
l should add that this is an RV12 wired for D180, then conversion harness to Dynon Skyview, further modified to work with a Viking engine rather than the Rotax. I am running an automotive type 45 amp alternator. The original RV12 shunt was discarded and replaced with the Dynon shunt.
l should add that this is an RV12 wired for D180, then conversion harness to Dynon Skyview, further modified to work with a Viking engine rather than the Rotax. I am running an automotive type 45 amp alternator. The original RV12 shunt was discarded and replaced with the Dynon shunt.