
New Member
Aug 10, 2008
Please HELP!!.. I have NO GLIDE SLOPE display indication anymore at my EFIS D100
It worked once fine, but it dissapeared from screen a few days ago with no reason. I have checked:
1- HSI NAVSRC from GPS ok
2- VNAV guidance active at the GPS (GARMIN 196, very old but enough for me)
3-VNAV indicator activated on GPS display working fine.
4-HSI and CDI working pretty good at that time on the EFIS (so there are bytes coming from the GPS being processed by the EFIS which excludes any harness malfunction or wrong connection)
5-On the GPS I selected either NMEA In/NMEA Out or RTCM In/RTCM Out. HSI working fine on the EFIS but still no GS. I also tried to practice with different baud rates with no results
6-Also tried several baud rates on the EFIS HSI menu with no results. Now it is set to AUTO.

What else I can try???.....
Thank you!!!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Hmm. As far as we know, only the 396 and 496 will output vertical guidance. So I don't think you ever had a GS anywhere on the EFIS from your 196. Are you 100% sure?

Ron, this has nothing to do with the problem you are having. The issue you've reported has been fixed and tested, and will be released shortly in the next software release. As we discussed at Oshkosh in concert with your distributor - we can get beta firmware to you to get the fix now, at the slight risk of running other bugs or issues (beta firmware exists to find bugs and produce a polished product, and beta testers are aware of the risks of their units inadvertently turning into "bricks", causing potential downtime). That beta would also NEED to be updated when the final, shipping firmware is released. We all decided that those risks, along with your comfort level in updating firmware yourself, meant that it would be better to wait for the official 5.0 release. Just like Garmin, Dynon does stabilized releases and cannot update the software for one fix.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
For other readers following along or have this problem...

Ron helped confirm a problem that exists with some 430/530 units when tuned to a VOR. When course is turned, one would expect the needle to swing across the HSI smoothly as you spin the course through the current radial. Instead, on some units, the course needle "hammers" back and forth erratically while the knob is being turned. After a course is selected, the needle does instantly settle on the correct CDI.

With a regular nav head, this would make it virtually impossible to use the CDI. However, there is a work-around on our product. Remember that we have bearing pointers on our HSI. Set one of them to the 430, and that pointer will point right at the VOR. Then, just line up the course with the bearing pointer to center the needle without ANY hunting.

Also, note that the only two ways you ever select a radial on a VOR is to A) hunt to center the needle (which is still easily accomplished via the above procedure) or B) dialing in a specific radial to check your relativeposition, (which still works fine since the needle position will be correct after you stop turning the course knob). Let me know if I'm missing something here.

Again, we do have a fix that will eliminate this nuisance indication, and it will be out in 5.0. Sorry for the inconvenience to anyone experiencing this issue.