OAT not transferring from D10A to EMS D-120


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Just last week I finished installation of my new D-120, which is connected to my previously-installed D-10A via the serial D-sub connectors, gender changer and null modem. I also have the wires for the DSAB connected.

I installed Firmware Update 3.0.0 a few days ago. The first indication of a problem was that the % Power display just shows “---%”. In analyzing it further, it seems that the OAT it needs for the calculation is not reaching the D-120, although both devices seem to be communicating well in all other areas. I have the D-120 connected to a Garmin SL-30, and can display the HSI on both the EFIS and EMS. The EFIS page shows up fine on the EMS, except that when OAT is in the info box on the EFIS, that info box does not show up on the EMS display. (OAT, DA and TAS work fine on the D10A.) Also, when I try to configure the EMS to display OAT in the AUX page, it shows a green bar with “N/A” at the top.

All this seems to indicate a configuration or communication problem, but I have tried everything I can think of. By the way, I have the Type 2 OAT sensor installed.

Any ideas?



New Member
Mar 23, 2005
I'm sure Dynon support will pop up shortly, but this is normal. In this release, the OAT information does not travel to the D120. I had to install a separate OAT probe for the D-120 to get the % power function to work. I believe (but don't quote me on this) that in the next iteration of the software, where DSAB is fully bi-directional, you won't have to do this.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Mark is right - OAT doesn't make it over the serial connection to the D120, but this capability will be added as DSAB is refined in the firmware update that is due out this summer. If you really want this capability now, though, note that the 3 wire OAT CAN be hooked up to a GP input on the EMS, by hooking the yellow wire to signal, and the blue wire to ground. The red wire does not receive a connection when hooked up this way.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
And if you hook the OAT to the EMS, it WILL send it to the EFIS so you will still get TAS / DA / Winds


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
OK, thanks much for the info, and also for letting me know that the OAT can transfer from the EMS to the EFIS. It is pretty handy to have the DA/TAS available on the EFIS, so if it could not transfer I would leave it as is. However, with this info, I may go ahead and change the connection.

Thanks again for the quick response.