Oil Pressure / Fuel Pressure Sensor Wiring.


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
I'm pretty confused about something when it comes to wiring up the probes for Fuel and Oil Pressure.  The manual states that any Type A GP input can be used.  Ok, no problem but also, there is mention of connecting each probe case to a common ground to the EMS.  

Ok, no problem but what has me wondering about the wiring is the fact that there is no resistance between the probe's terminal and the probe's case.

In other words, taking my digital meter and checking for ohms, it's pure zero.  I put the meter on the most sensitive setting too, zero ohms.

So, What gives?  Do I ground to the case by some method or do I just connect the ground to the terminal along with the GP input wire since it would be the same electrical result either way?  

I actually spoke to somone at tech support on this topic already and they did mention that there is "some" resistance between the terminal and the case.  If it's there, my meter can't see it.

Thanks for the help...


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The terminal is the signal pin for sure. The sensor delivers a resistance between the case and the terminal as pressure changes. The resistance is below 10 ohms at zero PSI. If you're using "continuity" and not actual resistance mode, this will usually read as a short.

I really wouldn't worry about your readings. Hook the case of the sensor to ground (often done thorough the block of metal the sensor is screwed into), and run the terminal to a GP wire on SkyView's EMS module. It will work, we promise!


Nov 28, 2006
Now that we are on this topic, I think I have an issue with my oil pressure sender. I hooked up the fuel pressure sender to pin 8 as that was mapped to fuel pressure. Then I hooked up the oil pressure sender to pin 6 as it was mapped to oil pressure. The red X for the fuel pressure goes away, but I still have a red X for oil pressure. I then switched wires at the sender end, and when I hook up the oil pressure wire to the fuel sender, the red X on the oil pressure goes away. When I hook up the fuel pressure wire to the oil pressure, the red X stays on fuel pressure. I'm assuming the oil pressure transducer is bad, any thoughts?

Both senders are screwed to a manifold block on the firewall. I checked contunity between the sender case and ground and it is well grounded.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You would find that if you started the engine, this red X would go away. It's a small bug where values near zero read as invalid.

If you can wait for the next update, do that, if not, contact support and we can send you a small file to fix this. I'd only worry about the sender being bad if it still reads bad after the update, and chances are very low it's bad.