Overspeed Warning and Trend Bars


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
I have recently installed the D10A and started flying around with. The unit is just great and I feel in my little Pulsar pretty much as in the ECJ135 what I fly professionaly.

Looking at the unit and the reserved pins, I am wondering if an aural overspeed warning could be generated and brought in the audio panel. On the Embraer we have "Miss Brasila" complaining with the words "High Speed High Speed".

An addition I would love to see, are trend bars on the tapes of the speed and altitude. It goes from the bug in the direction, the speed or altitude goes, the faster you accelarte, the longer the bar is. This gives a pretty good information about losing/increasing speed and altitude.

Go on with such nice products Dynon, I will soon add the EMS.

Thomas ;)


New Member
May 19, 2006
Good idea Thomas. I fly the Airbus A320 and the speed trend bar is a magic bit of kit - it predicts where the speed will be in 10 seconds based on the current accel/decel rate. Also like the idea of being to allocate sounds as warnings - should be a simple to store wave sound files from a PC into the Dynon


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Just a quick note - our current product generation does not have the hardware required to produce waveform (speech) audio output. We do already have alerts today, but they are tones.


New Member
May 19, 2006
"our current product generation does not have the hardware required to produce waveform (speech) audio output" sounds like you have it in mind for the next generation - excellent


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I should add that our current generation also can not brew espresso <grin>. Infer what you will :)

Thomas Schaad(Guest)

I should add that our current generation also can not brew espresso

This is for sure. On the other hand we are in a professional forum and Dynon at least makes it look as they are interested in what customrs would like and what could be useful.  Keeping this in regard, your answer isn't filling me with much optimism.  :-[


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Sorry Thomas - I did not mean for my reponse to Bob to cause offense. We do value all of your feedback.

My point was just that Bob inferred something that was not meant to be implied. To leave no doubt about what I meant: When I mentioned that "our current generation" does not support waveform audio, he took this as an implication of what we have in mind for a future product. It should not have been taken as such. It means precisely that the products that we currently sell do not have the hardware capability to produce speech type audio. We generally do not comment on specific capabilities for products that do not yet exist.

Though now that I think about it... EFIS+espresso machine..... in one unit... wouldn't even faze people out here (we're just outside of Seattle) :)


New Member
May 19, 2006
Support - your reply didn't cause me any offence. My reply was slightly British tounge in cheek and you responded accordingly with a good sense of humour. Yes this is a serious forum but if we can't have  a joke at the same time it's a bit sad.  I hope you do take my original comment seriously though about recording audio files to be triggered by programmable parameters.

I fly the airbus and we have auto call outs and they are very handy.  I appreciate that the Dynon products are not aimed at airliners but in order to improve your fantastic value for money products I'm sure you are looking for ways to add features to out do the competiton.

Heres another suggestion .......  you can programme checklists. How about triggering checklists.  eg checklist number 3 is programmed as Low Oil Pressure drill.  In the oil paramater page have the facility to trigger that checklist.  This should be a relatively straight forward software revision as opposed to hardware change.

Keep up the great work Dynon you're revolutionising experimental/homebuilt avionics.


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Excellent Idea Bob, I do like your checklist device very much.

I do understand that the units cannot produce an audio alert as I suggested it. But what about an additional device we could add to the DSAB? So everybody who whises can add like an "aural unit" to the bus and those not requiering don't need to pay for those who want.

I am anxioulsy looking forward to the GPS upgrade. I am sure, it will bring us big values. I am also looking forward to eventually get an interface, that generates NAV/LOC/GS signals into the DSAB to be displayed "HSI like" on the EFIS. By this time I will for sure buy an additional Dynon and replace my Sandel with, to get a real nice panel, dominated by a nice EFIS Tri - pack.

I finished with the EMS10 yesterday and hope to have it in the air by Saturday. Pics will come soon ;)


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
...I should add that our current generation also can not brew espresso <grin>. Infer what you will

Is that some sort of vague reference to a language we all love called.... JAVA???


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Not at all. All the Dynon instruments run fully embedded code with no operating system.

We're from Seattle, home of Starbucks, Microsoft, and famous for very little Sun, so when we say java, we mean coffee. It's a state law ;)