P-Mag tach hook up with D-180


Aug 16, 2007
Reno NV
Guys: I have researched the forums for an answer, it is not there or I missed it. I am considering a P-Mag for the right side of my Lyc O-360 powered -9A and need to know if the newer 114 P-Mag is compatible with the D-180. Ideally, I would like to simply hook the existing right P-lead to the P-Mag get the RPM indication and be able to do a mag check with my standard, off, left, right, both start, key ignition switch. I also realize that if this is possible, I would have to remove the grounding lug from the right mag side of the ignition switch for the start mode. Thanks, Dan


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Yes the D180 is compatible with the 114 P-mag.

No you cannot use the P-Mag plead as the tach source.

You must use the tach output of the P-mag.

You will need to ensure your pulses per revolution are set the same on the P-mag and the D180.  There are separate parameters for each tach input on the D180.  They can be different.

You can directly connect the tach output of the P-mag to the tach input of the D-180 without any resistor inline.

If you keep the impuse mag on the left and add a P-mag to the right, you should remove the jumper from your start switch to ensure that you start on both the mag and the P-mag. If you do this you will be amazed at how easy your engine will start. If you leave the jumper in, you will not be starting with the P-mag and that takes away one of the major advantages of the P-mag.

The tach signal is present on the P-mag even when the P-mag P-lead is grounded....


Aug 16, 2007
Reno NV
Thanks for the info, well stated and comprehensive. One more question, will I have to add an on/off switch on the P-mag side to do the pre-takeoff mag check. Or will it be the same procedure as now with standard mags and ACS key switch? Thanks, Dan


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
EmagAir recommends a separate P-mag power switch so you can check the internal alternator operation. If you do not have a way to turn off the external power to the P-mag, you really can't check it.

The keyswitch will only be dealing with the P-lead...