Pitot Heater Controller S/N 001740


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
I have wired the controller into my Dynon Pitot/AoA, in my RV8 wing, but testing with a 12v supply produced no heat. I disconnected the controller and placed a circuit tester across the Red power wire and Black ground wire, but there is no circuit there. Nor is there a circuit between the Red power wire and the controller's outer box, which I undertsand is also grounded. Have I tested wrongly, or is this a dead control box?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Were all of the wires coming out of the pitot connected to the controller? Some of those are required temperature sensors that need to be connected for heat to be supplied.

Also, note that the pitot needs to be able to pull 10A, so if your battery or power supply isn't that robust, the controller will not supply heat.


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
- Car battery voltage checked at 13.5 volts so I assume it is delivering sufficient current but I have not tested that specifically.
- All wires to the Pitot were connected, including the two white sense wires.
- I disconnected the battery and then circuit checked the red and black wires from the controller: no circuit.
a) if you can tell me which coloured wire to the Pitot does what then I could circuit check those too.
b) any other advice?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
With the pitot disconnected from the controller, you should be able to measure 2-3 ohms between both the orange and black, and also the blue and black pairs. Additionally, what is the resistance between the two white wires on the probe?

You can also take a look at the heater status wire (the remaining white wire that can optionally turn a light on and off). With everything hooked up an powered, the white heater status wire is grounded when the probe heater is turned off or not functioning properly. When the heater is on and functioning properly, the white heater status line is open, When there is no power to the heater controller – or it is not functioning properly – the white line is grounded.


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
Problem solved! While waiting for your reply I went back to the workshop, took everything apart, pushed back together the Dynon spade connections, remanufactured my connections, and it all got nice and hot. Thank you for your help, but it must have been a duff connection somewhere. All's well that ends well.