Pitot Static Check Maintenace Mode


I love flying!
Jun 21, 2014
I would like to see a Skyview maintenance mode that will allow Pitot / Static checks and calibrations without the need to power down skyview between every altitude change. Have the system ignore acceleration data, airspeed, pitch, etc. algorithms for this mode only.
Powering down/ powering back on adds significant amount of time to this procedure plus it just don't seem very good to the system.
I think it would be ideal to have this mode only be accessed on ground, and be in "compare" screen with both ADAHARS displayed and the ability to adjust altitude offsets all on the same screen.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Agreed. We do have a feature request case in our system for this, actually. Adding your vote to it. Thanks for the feedback!


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
Add my vote for this feature.

Maybe even include a "static port calibration" mode to help adjust for static port location errors. While in flight, fly 3 different headings at a constant altitude and power setting. The system records the GPS  tracks and groundspeeds, then calculates GPS based true airspeed for that configuration. This will provide a calibration factor that makes the GPS derived TAS and SkyView calculated TAS match for that particular configuration. Do the calibration at two points, fast cruise and approach configuration, to make a set of values from Zero to Vne. This value is then added to what the static port "sees" at so that airspeed and altitude values are correct across the aircraft's speed envelope.

This will save a lot of flying and moving static port locations if there is a location error. Especially in airplanes with a very wide speed range.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Static calibration is very hard, if not virtually impossible. Static error is affected by airspeed and AoA, but airspeed is also calculated using static. So you'd end up with a calibration that uses your airspeed to look up a static correction, which would change your static pressure which would change your airspeed, which would change the static correction......

This is ignoring that many planes have significant airspeed error with high AoA, and the fact that none of this is likely linear over speed. On top of all of this, most piston singles have the static behind the prop, so your engine power setting could change static error independent of airspeed. Finally, weight affects AoA at a given airspeed, so any calibration might only be valid at a specific weight.

This is why certified planes often have CAS adjustments, but not altitude offsets. You really need to get your static right because it affects so much and is affected by so much that it's very difficult to characterize.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
Very much in favor of the test mode. I do not wish to introduce an error during the 24 month check as the systems operate flawlessly now.