Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP74 an


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Hi all,

I have an EFIS D100 firmware 5.1.0 (from factory) wired to an AP74 and SV32 servos, wired correctly to the extent of my knowledge (checked twice). I am not sure but I believe the DSAB network (servos and AP74) was updated itself automatically to the EFIS firmware when on. Is that right?

I performed DSAB configuration following page 6-13 of the manual
but during the Servo Calibration & Initial Servo Test it DOES NOT move full range when connected to the aircraft command surfaces.  

Instead it starts and promptly gives a clank sound and stop almost without moving.

The calibration was successful and when I disconnect the servo from the surface it does move… What would be the main reasons for that (not moving when linked to the control surface rod)? (I did configured airspeed color thresholds).

I do believe that I adjusted the slip torque to the max.  Would it be that the installation of the linkage mount position is not providing enough force to counter the weight of the command surface?

Another question, When the AP indicates AP-CWS should the stick be stiff  and hard to move? What is feeling in the stick is expected when in AP-CWS mode?

I hope I made myself clear… I am very frustrated having my brand new Aircraft, EFIS and AP and not being able to put it to work. :-[

Please help, many thanks in advance.
Alexandre Marton


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7

"Initial Servo Test it DOES NOT move full range"

It might be best answered by Dynon, but I think the servo test only ever poves part of the full scale movement.

Your autopilot would not normally move to full scale on any surface so I think they probably test the part travel.

I have the same result when I do a servo test, and my AP has worked for almost 100 hours now very well.

You will probably have it configured properly! ;)


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7

Hi David,

First of all I re-posted this topic on the right place, please follow the link:

But regarding your answer I think I did not made myself clear. What happens is that during Servo Test (ground test) the servo when centered DOES NOT MOVE AT ALL, and if I start the servo test with the stick off center it does move but only a bit and only in one direction.

Despite from that, airspeed threshold, DSAB, software, calibration where all made successfully, so I don't know what is happening.

I appreciate any tips, suggestions and DYNON SUPPORT please.

Thanks in advance.
Alex. :-[


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7


Do you have the 'disconnect' switch - check that it IS a 'normally open' MOM type. If it is a 'normally closed' one you can complete the calibration BUT the servos won't move when final system test is done.

Jake J


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7

Hi JakeJ, that may be the reason. I will check saturday and I post here if it was it.

Thanks for the suggestion. If anyone has any other please post cause I will only have time to try this saturday.

Thanks again.


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7

First thanks JakeJ and David for the replies!

Tomorrow (Saturday) I will disconnect the servos from the control system and do the checks suggested.

You and others suggested in other threads that I should verify/try:

a) put the rod end on the inner most arm location (more torque);
b) verify if the servo arm is perpendicular to the rod when in the center;
c) verify if I have the 'disconnect' switch - check that it IS a 'normally open' MOM type. Because they (jakej) say that: “…If it is a 'normally closed' one you can complete the calibration BUT the servos won't move when final system test is done…”

That makes me ask to you Dynon Support and all you fellows that glad to opine:

1) When doing calibration and the screen says: “Press disconnect switch to finish” - I wonder if the disconnect switch was a “normally closed” (like Jakej suggested) would the screen still be asking for pressing it to finish even it is at a “pressed state”? Cause the calibration only finishes when I press the disconnect switch, if it was closed (pressed) wouldn’t it be finished automatically without having to wait for me to press it?

2) AP does look to be in CWS mode, the autopilot is not engaged, because I only feel the minimal residual drag of the servos.

If I engage AP on ground would I feel big drag on the stick?

Well the aircraft I installed the servos and AP74 is a PATRIOT 150 LSA link below:

During Servo Test the servos were not moving at all (just jitters, clicks and clank sounds when I start test with stick off center ). Both servos doing only that.

Well as said I will try those suggestions on this Saturday (tomorrow) and post here the results or any development on the situation.

Thanks everyone for the help and any suggestions that I still could use tomorrow please post.



New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7

Hello, all.

First things firts.

- the disconnect switch was a normally closed one, so I did not replaced it.

The AP passed on Servo Test now... now it is moving the stick a lot in the expected directions. It is also making the stick hard when I on ground engage the AP on HDG function.

But I am not sure what I did to fix it, I think it has to do with the servo arm that was not perpendicular to the command rod when stick was centered, I fixed it and the servo test went well.

I could not fly test it yet due to horrible wheather that prevented me to flight during all this weekend, but I will fly as soon as possible and post results and impressions here.

I still have a minor problem and a few questions if you could help I appreciate also.

1) How do I engage de CWS function, what does this CWS is supposed to do? Either I could not understand by the manual (my poor english I think) or I understood the manual but CWS is not behaving as such (on ground)

2) My GPS (Garmin 296) was hooked to the com 1 EFIS throug the Garmin provided data cable (1 wire), but sometimes on HSI I see a GPS warning (don't remember what it says) but only sometimes most of the time GPS does not appears on HSI, any ideas on what is happening? By the way I did set Aviation In/Nmea out on GPS com 1...

I would like to thank the suggestions and support.
Thanks, thanks thanks


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7


After doing some ajusts on servo arm (put it perpendicular to the command rod) then the servo test went well and...

I made the AP test fly and all went well!!!!! Nice! very happy with it Dynon. Servos SV32 are ok for may PATRIOT 150, I will post the installation pictures soon as reference to you folks.

I configured the HSI serial com and got input from GPS Garmim 296 on the HSI BUT... still not able to execute AP74 NAV function, on test flight the only modes that worked were HDG and ALT.

Anyone knows if there is some configuration or buttons to press prior to engage NAV on AP74? (the gps had a go to set already)

And I still don't know how do I engage de CWS function or what does this CWS is supposed to do? Either I could not understand by the manual (my poor english I think) or I understood the manual but CWS is not behaving as such (on ground)

Hope to have a reply from support soon because I read and read the manual and did not understood the english explanations for those.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: Problem installing Autopilot on EFIS D100, AP7


Please try not to post the same questions in multiple threads. It makes it hard for us to track your issues. We'll respond to this in one of your other threads.