Problems after software upgrade


New Member
May 31, 2005
I just updated software to the current version from your website and immediately noticed that now when I power down my avionics master I no longer get the "unit will power down in 30 seconds" message nor can I turn the unit on by a front button.  Also the clock is not keeping time.  I still have the keep alive voltage going to the unit.  Nothing has changed there.  Is this coincidence or is there something in the upgrade that caused this?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Dave, this is a strange problem. When the EFIS is powered up, could you check the internal battery voltage using one of the INFO items? It's possible that the battery is not getting charged up or is defective in some way. It's unlikely to be the software, but it's always a possibility. Does your KA line have a fuse on it? If so, could you check the fuse to see if it's still intact? The EFIS keeps its internal battery charged up via the KA line; if the internal battery was dead or very low, it may be sucking a decent amount of current off the KA line. This could, in turn, cause the fuse (if you've got one) to blow.

Let us know the answers to the above questions, and we'll go from there.


New Member
May 31, 2005
I do not have the internal battery option, I've got an external battery with the external also connected to the keep alive input. I have confirmed voltage to the ka input but nothing has changed except the sofware upgrade. Do I now need the internal battery?



New Member
May 31, 2005
I keep the voltage info on the left side of my screen as I have a 2 battery system for FADEC. Both supplies are operating as indicated on the dynon voltage monitor as M--12v, E--12v, I--0v. These voltages increase to alternator output voltages with engine running. I have the external also inputed to keep alive.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
First, you do not need an internal battery. Nothing about the new or old software requires this.

The only thing that keeps your clock alive is the internal battery or keep alive power. This sure sounds like a case where the unit is no longer getting KA power. This power is different than the emergency power, and is not shown on the screen anywhere. You'll need to check it with a voltmeter right at the connector. If there is 10+V there all the time (even when the master is off), then it sounds like an internal failure. It would be total coincidence if it lined up with a software upgrade.

Also, what do you mean that you can't turn the unit on with the front button? Without the internal battery, we would only expect that you could turn the unit on when it had power. Do you mean that you can turn the EFIS off with the left button but once it is off, you can't turn it back on? How do you get it to power up after this?


New Member
May 31, 2005
I have power to main input from master switch, power to external or backup power from external battery all the time, also keep alive power all the time from external battery. This setup allows me to normally operate the dynon without master power while performing software upgrades, etc. I would also normally get the "power shutting down in 30 seconds" message when turning off master power. This no longer happens. I will remove the dynon this weekend and verify voltage to the pins of connector to dynon.
