Prop RZpm

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
nobody's arguing that but this thread was a question about a loose wire from an owner that seems to not have been the builder. in six type ratings I've never had to read avionics installation manuals so I don't hold the OP responsible for not knowing where the tach wires originate or terminate. more helpful replies could have pointed him in the right direction but your approach didn't do that.
He was asking for the information himself - meaning he intended to try to fix it himself - in which case yes he DOES need to understand the system. The other route, which I'm sure you followed in your six type ratings, was to hire a mechanic and let them worry about it. The OP did not choose that option, quite obviously. I would certainly expect you to have knowledge of the operational side of the avionics for your type ratings - but unless you also hold an A&P and do the work on that machine yourself you are not expected to also have knowledge of the installation side, in my opinion. As soon as you cross the line from operator to maintenance, now yes you are responsible for another bank of knowledge, and that goes well beyond "Somebody please tell me what's wrong."


Active Member
Oct 30, 2024
I was trying to give credit where it was due, regardless of how little was deserved.

My point was that operating and installing are two different things. The OP was operating his system just fine but came here to ask about troubleshooting to which you and yours gave him nearly zero satisfaction. Not very neighborly, in my humble opinion and not why Dynon created this resource.

Regarding search, most forum sites have very poor search functions. Dynon chose Xenforo forum software which is pretty good but can still be problematic. I typically search for stuff, find little that pertains exactly to what I'm looking for, and then post my question, usually in an old thread that is close to what I'm asking about. Usually, someone who had already been in that thread will see my reply and offer some direction. Forums search isn't always effective so it isn't always fair to clobber people over the head accusing them of not searching first.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2024
No, actually you quoted ME quoting the manual, after telling me I was wrong to do so.

different thread, I quoted the manual then he dressed me down for not reading the manual. just because he thought he could get away with it, I suppose.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2024
He was asking for the information himself - meaning he intended to try to fix it himself

this is a sticky situation for a forum host like Dynon, you get people that might try to fix things themselves using information they got from someone else on your site. at my site where we're discussing certified aircraft, we help at first but when it's obvious people are in over their heads, we are pretty quick to cut them off and politely refer them to their local licensed maintenance shop.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
There are some people who must've been hall monitors during high school, and all these years later they can still *taste* the adrenaline rush that that gave them. You can spot 'em a mile away.

My goodness: @Rhino ! @airguy! @Marc_J._Zeitlin ! @swatson999 ! It's the Hall Monitors' Hall of Fame!

On one hand, y'all have a lot of knowledge, and it would be a shame to lose that. On the other hand, you're poisonous. On balance, this place would be better without you.
Actually, I was quite diplomatic, and simply answered the question you asked, and tried to explain why some people respond the way they do. Your snarky response could put you in a hall of fame, but it wouldn't be as nice as hall monitor. But if alienating people is your thing, be my guest.
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