PS 3000 Intercom and Dynon Skyview SV1000 & SV700


I love flying!
Apr 16, 2012
I have just recently added the latest Skyview update, and noticed that when I press my PTT button, on either column that the VSI on both Dynon Panel shoot up on the scale.

The intercom fitted in the PS 3000, from PS Engineering, who I will contact directly, to ask for their advice also.

I tried it again during a flight yesterday, and sure enough, with the AP engaged in TRK & ALT hold, as soon as I press the PTT the plane immediately changes altitude until I release the PTT.

I don't need to say I this is somewhat entertaining, but from a serious point of view, obviously something to highlight, and hopefully find a solution for, among fellow Dynon users.

The aircraft is a factory built machine, still under warranty, so I've sent an email to the ever helpful people at Dynon, and awaiting a reply.

I would appreciate some feedback from anyone that may have had a similar problem, as to what might be wrong, as the problem might be with the folk at PS Engineering, I just don't know.

Also the GPS1 doesn't see to follow a predetermined track.

Best regards

Don Jack


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
We've heard of this effect this in a few isolated cases, and only in a particular light sport aircraft. We believe it's an installation-related issue. In short, it takes a PHENOMENAL amount of RF energy to cause this sort of effect. The most likely cause is very close proximity of a SkyView Network cable or the ADAHRS itself to the antenna, or possibly it's coax cable depending on its construction. Attaching a 9 pin filter such as at the ADAHRS can help, but ultimately finding the root cause of where/how the RF from the radio is getting into the installation is ideal. We suggest first touching base with the manufacturer to see if they have an engineered solution to your issue.


I love flying!
Apr 16, 2012
Many thanks for getting back to me. I'll get in touch with the manufacturer and PS Engineering to see if this is something they are familiar with.

