These are a part we make ourselves, by hand. At a significant loss. You can't buy one anywhere else nor make one easily. As you've noted, we don't generally make them anymore, since the last D10 was sold in May of 2004.
The EMI dongle was designed for specific customers that have specific install issues. It is only for the D10, not the D10A. Since you're about to sell your D10, chances that your buyer will have problems are about 5-10%. The issue doesn't stay with a unit, it stays with an install, and most installs never had a problem. Since the D10A has the filter built in, we'd almost suggest you upgrade to a D10A today, which will get you a new warranty and better support. Plus all the neat D10A features.
The thread starter has a D100. Only the D10 ever had noise issues that were EMI. The D10A, D100, D180, D120, and EMS-D10 all have internal filtering. Also, the nose the D10 generated tended to be on specific frequencies, not anywhere in the band. Finally, it was RF radiation, so it only ever came in via the radio, so adjusting volume and squelch would change the noise.