radio noise


New Member
Feb 11, 2008
looking for help eliminating radio noise caused by dynon. The radio is a micro air. There does not seem to be a problem with transmissions. People can hear me fine but I have significant noise from the dynon at all times. Was this problem addressed in the 10A?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If you have a D10, then yes, these generate noise in some installations. This was fixed with the D10A (and all other models), but we also have a small plug that fixes it on the D10.

Please give us a call and we can talk you through the solutions.


Feb 23, 2007
Cairns, Australia
Do you have a fix for noises associated with the D 180?

I have a strange lot of noises into my Microair radio and PM 501 4 place intercom.

I get a low hum in the background when the 180 is running and this is replaced with a about 1-a-second click when the dynon is turned off.

The sound may or may not be there when the engine is running - its quiet enough to not be able to hear it. So I am not particularly concerned about it. But if there is an easy fix for it well I might as well sort it out.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We've yet to hear of any product except for the EFIS-D10 that has any noise issues. The prior post refers only to the EFIS-D10.

There's a giveaway in your post (the "once-a-second" part) that makes it sound like that it's not RF interference that you're hearing, but rather, you have a wiring issue that is allowing you to "hear" voltage fluctuations in your electrical system in your radio. This may be cause by the power line being too thin from whatever point that the radio and D180 finally join up and go back to the battery. Alternatively, it might be a grounding problem.

In short, this is almost definitely a wiring issue of some kind, and not something that is caused by either instrument inherently.


New Member
Jul 3, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Some of the problems in this forum have come close to my issue, but not quite. I have a D-100 a DRE intercom, and a Garmin SL-40 comm radio. I have been going crazy trying to get rid of a motorboating noise when transmitting over the radio. A friend suggested the Dynon unit might be to blame, and what do you know? I turned off the D-100 and the motorboating noise stopped! I pulled the circuit breaker on the Dynon and ran it on backup battery power alone on the off chance that there was some power line interference. Still makes the noise when on battery power. Is there something in the Dynon that is causing this? Can power wires in close proximity be to blame?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Is your D100 audio out wired into your intercom or SL-40 anywhere? If it is, that's the first thing I'd check by disconnecting that line. Your test of running the D10 just off of battery was a great one, and does narrow the possible noise sources a lot.

This isn't a common problem by any means, so something funny is going on. Since it only happens with the SL-40 transmitting, I'd probably look at your antenna wiring and grounding.


New Member
Jul 3, 2008
St. Louis, MO
The audio output from the D-100 is for AOA alerts, and I am using a separate AOA system for that, so I'm not using the audio output. I am using the audio output from my D-120, but that unit was turned off during my tests.

I upgraded my antenna wire to RG-400U in case there was a problem with the RG-58U I was using before. I'm pretty sure all the grounds are good. I used a dummy load attached to the back of the radio and the motorboating noise was not present. I am not sure what would cause the noise in the sidetone during transmit, but at least I was able to determine the other piece of equipment (D-100) that was interacting with the comm radio.

I'm definitely out of ideas, but on the bright side, the motorboating noise does not show up on the receiving end, so it is just annoying ME instead of everybody who will be hearing my transmissions.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Speaking of grounding...... could there be some earth loops?

This is often the cause of induced noise in many systems. You may need a really good electronics tech to help you find them. In the Automation and Elecetrical Engineering industry we find that its often the case, and the so called experts have not got a clue!

My old D10 makes a bit of static hissing noise but nothing that can not be squelched out on the radio. My transmissions and reception are crystal clear. I have no fancy systems in place to deal with it

MICROAIR HARNESS if you have a microair harness that is more than a couple of years old you may be better off buying a new one. The older ones were a nice antenna for the noise of a D10 and they were not shielded (same for transponder).

Dynon may wish to add some comments here.

Cheers...... off RV10 building now! :)


New Member
Jul 3, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Upon the advice of one of my chapters electronics gurus, I connected all the various airframe grounds, then connected them to the battery's negative terminal.  This could have produced the deadly ground loop (which isn't as nice a term as "earth loop" ;D).

However, disconnecting said connections did nothing for me.  I do have the name of a good electronics guy, and will probably be calling on him in the near future.  


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Anny shielded cable of device should be grounded at one end only and at a common point.

Get the help of a really good avionics guy.

Some ferrite cores and such may help.

Its a nightmare finding the bugs! May also want to be sure your Microair radio is the latest Rev. They have improved noise immunity over the years.



New Member
Jul 3, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Dave, thanks. I have terminated all shielded cables on only one end, with the exception of the antenna cable, which is terminated on both ends. I bought a bunch of ferrite cores and distributed them liberally. Didn't really help. I do have the name of a good avionics guy, and plan to call him soon.

My radio is actually a Garmin. ;)



Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
OK, I had no noise problems until recently installing the EDC-D10. Did this so a new owner of the Jab would have an accurate compass, and boy its accurate now.............

Only problem is the radio noise is not able to be squelched out at all (ie full squelch) in any frequency above 120mhz.

The EDC cable is screened and the drain connected to the 0v and with or without the grounding the noise induced into the radio is unreal.

Ferrites installed also.

Any ideas?

What do you think Dynon Support?

DB :'(


New Member
Jul 3, 2008
St. Louis, MO
I backburnered the radio noise problem in favor of some other jobs on my RV project, so it's been some months since I tried anything. Last week, I got on the radio again, and the motorboating was either gone or working at a very low volume.

Some things I DID discover: Absolutely no motorboating with the D-100 turned off. I ran the D-100 on battery power alone, and the motorboating returned. Therefore, I can't believe there are any earth loop situations going on there.

As I stated previously, the noise seems confined to my system (it doesn't transmit), so I can live with it.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
All I can really say is that we have 6,000+ EFIS units in the field, most with EDC's, and we basically never hear of this problem.

So there's really only two possibilities: It's either a broken EFIS or it's the specific installation.

Since we've really never heard of this before, it's hard to offer any good troubleshooting ideas.

Given that your D100 isn't hooked to your audio system in any way, the noise is clearly induced into the system via an indirect method. All I can really suggest is trying a lot of combination of things to figure out where that noise is getting in to your radio or audio panel.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
Hi David

I have done many Dynon installs, as you know, but never had any of these symptoms regardless of whether it's a Jabby or RV etc - the 'problem' must be something to do with shielding (Microair harness's typically use the shiels as audio ground) or grounding issuse IMHO. Not any real help except to point out that the Dynons don't give me any problems with radio audio.

Jake J

This is serious! Anyone else noticed it?

I need some answers pretty soon, for a number of reasons! :-/



Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
The unit is a D10 not the D100, I do have one of these for the new RV10 however this problem is in our J430 which will be sold shortly.

The installation is very simple an no audio panel at all just a Microair radio and transponder and a small intercom. I will talk to Microair this morning as well but this is noise definately coming out of the D10 as silence is returned once the unit is switched off.



Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
I have gone exploring the antenna etc and all is good some ferrites installed there (thanks jake!!).

Dynon Support......... what is this plug you speak of for the D10. As this is all about to be sold and I want it working better, I would be interested in the plug.....some sort of RFI Filter I gather.


DB :)


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Seems like I am talking to myself here...... and yes I probably am a little crazy! :D

OK I have even found the part number 100279-000 however there are none in stock and I am not confident our good friends at Dynon will be making any very soon!

Does anyone know of where I can get one of these EMI Dongles from? I would happily make my own if I knew the specs, but I would rather pay for one and be done with it.

Maybe the thread starter might need one too!

DB :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
These are a part we make ourselves, by hand. At a significant loss. You can't buy one anywhere else nor make one easily. As you've noted, we don't generally make them anymore, since the last D10 was sold in May of 2004.

The EMI dongle was designed for specific customers that have specific install issues. It is only for the D10, not the D10A. Since you're about to sell your D10, chances that your buyer will have problems are about 5-10%. The issue doesn't stay with a unit, it stays with an install, and most installs never had a problem. Since the D10A has the filter built in, we'd almost suggest you upgrade to a D10A today, which will get you a new warranty and better support. Plus all the neat D10A features.

The thread starter has a D100. Only the D10 ever had noise issues that were EMI. The D10A, D100, D180, D120, and EMS-D10 all have internal filtering. Also, the nose the D10 generated tended to be on specific frequencies, not anywhere in the band. Finally, it was RF radiation, so it only ever came in via the radio, so adjusting volume and squelch would change the noise.