Sorry for not explaining properly, RV/7 Superior engine with 60 Amp alt, The shunt is in position A , with Ver 4 ampmeter would read -amps until engine started then up to + 5 until battery full then settle at - 4 or so in flight now after installing Ver 5 sometimes the amps show -20/30 when turned on before startup if you turn off then on again it reads 0 until the Alt field switch is turned on then shows -7 and that increases as you turn more items on , But during first flight after updating to Ver5 the amps went up to -70 and slowly came back and settled at -25 the volts indicated a steady 14 volts all the time following flights the amps can go up to -70/80 the spike only last a second or two . Nothing was changed except updating to Ver5.
Regards Rob