Read Errors During Backup


New Member
Aug 9, 2007
I am trying to backup the software before loading 3.0. After about 5 minutes I get Error messages that read Port# 1 Chip 4/5 Section 3/9 error this went on for about 10 minutes then said disconnected before reset. Failed. The unit was not frozen and I tried a second time with the same results. This EFIS does have a dead 0.00 Volts on the EFIS Meter battery in it. Both the EFIS and EDC reported their S/N and Version correctly.

Any sugestions? Would it be of any value to try to update the EMS D120 to see I I have a PC Problem?

Thanks, LR


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Well, we'd suggest that you not update the unit until you can get through a backup. If an update fails mid-upload, it will take a round trip back to our office to get it fixed.

If you have an EMS as well, see if it will complete a backup.

Your problem could conceivably be the unit itself, but it can also be either the computer or the USB-serial dongle that you're using (if you're using one). If you can try another laptop and converter, that would also help determine if it's the unit or not.


New Member
Aug 9, 2007
I will try to backup the D120 tomorrow. No, I realize that an update is not an option at this point, that's why I quit. I'm using the USB-Serial I received with the unit. The Laptop is a new Toshiba, two weeks old, but that's not to say it works perfectly either. Thank's for your quick reply, I'll let you know the results.



New Member
Aug 9, 2007
I tried loading the D120 EMS this morning and it failed with read errors as well. Once the read errors start ( this time at 2/2 4/9 1608/7700) they are persistent, every error is a retry. Since this was now in to an hour with no end in sight, I killed the operation after speaking with Eric.

I removed the USB extension and unbundled the 9 pin cable from behind the panel so I could reach the PC. It downloaded SUCCESSFULLY in 10 about minutes! Not yet convinced I was ready to try updating to the new software I decided to back up one more time… failure again.

I have tried about a dozen times since, doing something different each time. I tried after turning the florescent lights off, no go. I bought a new Serial to USB cable, no go. I recharged the battery to 12.6V, no go. I used Com Port 4, 5 and 6, no go. Sometimes the error is lost communication, sometimes early in the download, sometimes at the end.

I am using the 9-pin connector in thy DYNON harness, which is a three wire twisted cable (Orange, Yellow, Black). Does this cable need to be shielded for some reason? Shortened?

The laptop is a new Toshiba, running Vista. I left the PC search the net for it’s own choice of drivers. I have no other programs running that I know of, I even turned off the firewall and virus software.

I’m about of Ideas, guys….

Thanks, LR


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We've actually seen this problem before on a very small number of PC's using USB-serial adapters. It's only a backup problem, and the uploads actually go fine, but it does make you pretty nervous if it dies during a backup.

The 4.0 software has a tweak to the program that fixes the problem we know about. Since we expect to have the 4.0 software out early next week, we suggest you wait for this and try it. Chances are very high it will backup and upgrade just fine, since it has fixed every PC we've tried it on. If it still won't backup, then we'll need to look deeper.

As a bonus, the tweak also means uploads and backups are now much, much faster over USB-serial adapters.


New Member
Aug 9, 2007
Thank you, I shall wait... I was actually begining to think I was losing my mind, a small leap really.  My next attempt before waiting for Rel 4 will be to try my son's laptop, it's 50 miles away tho.  Still I would hate to have a $1000 laptop that can't do what I bought it for!

Thank's for the help



New Member
Oct 1, 2007
I've suffered a similar problem overnight.  In the interest of assisting an accurate diagnosis, here is a detailed account of the events.

Unpacked a FlightDEK-D180 upon delivery yesterday. The supplied harness was checked and the connector for the compass module was completed in accordance with the warning contained within the harness instructions. The compass module was then connected. The unit was then powered by its internal battery and functioned normally, as was expected. The EFIS and EMS menus indicated that the firmware installed was Version 1.08, matching the supplied documentation. An internal battery voltage was displayed within the EMS pages.

The latest Product Support program, Version 3.0.1, was downloaded and successfully installed onto my desktop PC using the Windows Vista operating system. The supplied USB to Serial Converter cable was successfully installed with its associated software driver.

The D180 was then connected to the PC via the harness serial connector and the serial converter. A “Detect Firmware” operation was completed normally, reading back the D180 and compass module firmware versions with unit serial numbers.

A “Firmware Backup” was then attempted, but toward the end of the procedure, the program lost the connection. I then investigated the integrity of the 3 connections being used between the PC and the D180. Cable connections were confirmed and each checked firm. A second attempt was successfully completed.

An “Upgrade Firmware” was then attempted. A few minutes into the operation, the process began to have trouble, attempting a retry for the block write operations every few blocks, and subsequently progressing very slowly as a result. I estimated that the write rate would result in a couple of hours to complete, immediately realising that I had better quickly complete an external power connection before proceeding too long on internal battery. (Pilot User Guide, Product Overview – Power, pages 2-2 and 2-3 were quite sobering at this point!)

After about 90 minutes and a seriously depleted internal battery, the Product Support program indicated that it had lost connection with the D180 and aborted. “Upload Aborted – Error!!! Connection with FlightDEK-D180 has been lost”, followed by “Upload Failed – Try uploading again but do not disconnect ...”. The D180 then shutdown itself, (presumably because of a low internal battery voltage, but I’m not certain of that).

Expecting the worst, external power was connected and I was really surprised when the unit completed what appeared to be a normal “boot” sequence. The EFIS and EMS menus indicated that the firmware installed was Version 3.0.0.  The unit appeared to be functional and would cycle correctly using the power switch and external power. The internal battery voltage was displayed as 0.0 within the EMS pages and apparently confirmed when the unit would not boot from internal battery.

While the D180 was connected to external power and switched on, the Product Support program was re-launched, establishing a connection with the D180, but the software indicated that the firmware upgrade was incomplete. Re-establishing a software connection resulted in “Continue last upload? – Error! Last upload did not complete successfully. Continue last upload?”

I decided to attempt an “Upload Firmware Backup”, successfully returning the D180 to Version 1.08 without any communications issues during the block write and in an appropriate time for the task.

At this point, I setup my Toshiba laptop on its expansion dock. The operating system is Windows XP Pro. The Product Support program was installed, launched and a direct serial connection was established with the D180, without the use of the serial converter.

Another attempt at the firmware upgrade to Version 3.0.0 resulted in a steady, continuous upload for  about 12 minutes, without any of the previously observed stalling for rewrites. At Block #15,280, the same communications problem occurred, followed by 3 retries and then an abort with the same messages.

The D180 remained with a yellow screen. Relaunching a “Detect Firmware” call resulted in the expected “connection” with yellow screen, followed by a “disconnect” with D180 reboot and the appropriate firmware information returned to the PC.

Any reattempt to upload the Version 3.0.0 firmware results in the same communications failure at the same block.

The unit remains connected to the lab power supply and the EMS voltmeter shows the expected 13.8V. The EFIS information area voltmeters show M-13.8V, E-00.0V (expected) and I-15.3V.

I’ve kept the unit  switched ON for now, pending further technical advice. Request DynonSupport comments and instructions please.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Our best advice is to hold out for the 4.0 support program (due extremely shortly). It handles the serial communications slightly better, and will hopefully solve your problems.


New Member
Aug 9, 2007
I loaded V 4.0 successfully on both my D100 and D120 today. :) This also corrected my battery charge problem in the D100. Thank you very much for the support along the way. Much faster load as well as promised!
