Remote compass and ADAHRS


New Member
Jun 13, 2009
Any update on the idea of splitting the magnetometer out of the unit and installing separately?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We will split the ADAHRS and the magnetometer if customer demand warrants it, but we are not currently working on it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
I was told by a Dynon rep at Oshkosh earlier this week that there will be a software change that will allow the mounting of the Skyview AHARS/compass unit in a wingtip or other location outside of the currently specified parameters.  I was told that it could be mounted in a wingtip, before the software update, in an airplane such as a Bearhawk and would work fine.  I thought I would pass this along as I know this has been a concern for a number of people.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
To clarify, as of right now, only inside the spec'd parameters is supported. You can try mounting it outside those parameters, but you'll probably see some degredation of attitude information. We are planning on changing this requirement, via a firmware update, that will let you go outside the current spec. So while you can physically mount the ADAHRS anywhere you want, it won't be until we release the applicable update (I don't have a firm date on it yet) that you'll technically have an ADARHS that is within the spec'd installation range where we'd expect it to behave nominally.


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
We will split the ADAHRS and the magnetometer if customer demand warrants it, but we are not currently working on it.

Let me be the first former customer (D100) and wannabe SkyView owner to go on the record to try to push that demand.  I hate to do it but if you don't hurry, you will force me to use a Grand Rapids or AFS.... Please separate them!


New Member
Sep 3, 2009
"We will split the ADAHRS and the magnetometer if customer demand warrants it, but we are not currently working on it."

OK, put me down as a customer who is requesting it.

Alan Jackson
Hartselle, AL


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
Mine works well as a unit. What would be the reason for splitting them?

For those of us who are not building a RV or a composite bird.  The magnatometer does not function so well in a chromoly fuselage like in a Kitfox, Bearhawk or other rag and tube airframe.

It amazes me that Dynon did not separate the ADAHRS from the magnatometer in the beginning like nearly all their competitors did. Maybe there is a major cost savings to combine them but if not and I was running the company there would definitely be some "splainin" do do from the design team!

I really like the Dynon products but I can't use a Skyview in my bearhawk because of the ferrous metal fuse. Actually I could use it but chances are it would not function as designed and they are too much money to take the risk and hope it will work.

I know the rag and tube guys are a relatively small market and it seems Dynon is selling enough units to you RV and composite guys not to care. Again, it seems they could have included everyone had they separated them in the first place.  I'm still hoping but will not hold my breath.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I believe the D100 and D180 have a split system in that the attitude reference is inside the instrument so they do have experience with it. Both of those units are still sold and supported so it may not be a huge amount of design to alter the Skyview. The two modules (attitude & heading) could be split and operate as separate modules on the network but I suspect alignment would be much more critical. The difficulty in achieving this alignment is the reason the units were combined.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Our experience is that the magnetometer still works just fine inside a rag and tube frame, so this is not a direct reason that SkyView won't work well for you.

Having the unit combined does represent a large cost savings as well as a much easier installation, so it is a design choice that we are still happy with.

We may sell a remote magnetometer, or we may support putting the full combined unit out in a wing, but both of those are projects that are farther off and not in the near future. If you really do not believe that the system will work for you, then it does sound like a competitor may be a better choice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia

This is not meant to 'flame' just trying to help.
I install avionics and never had an issue with the Dynon magnetometers in rag & tube aircraft - you may like to revisit your proposed installation ;)

(The magnatometer does not function so well in a chromoly fuselage like in a Kitfox, Bearhawk or other rag and tube airframe.)

Did you try using a hand held compass to find a suitable location ?

Jake J


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
I don't have a skyview to try it out but after talking with steinair about the hellacious time they have had installing and calibrating the skyview magnatometer in a kitfox, I am sure not inclined to spend $7k on a system that I hope works.

A split system is not hard at all to align. I did this with my last projet (D100 and located the magnatometer in the wing tip...dead simple with no calibration issues.  

One moment I hear that a steel fuse will not affect the skyview and then I read a post that people can't calibrate the unit due to stainless mounting hardware?  Like I said, it is an awful lot of money to spend to "hope" it will work. Having said this, I have found a location that seems to be fairly magnetically benign and still may gamble with the skyview because I like it the best out of the options available.  


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The people that had issue with stainless hardware used stainless that was not non-ferrous (not all stainless is) and had also magnetized the stainless when testing it to see if a magnet attracted it.

We had a customer at Oshkosh today with a Flight Design CT with a retrofitted D100, and he was having tons of problems with the compass as well, even though the factory has no issues at all over hundreds of planes. It was Stein that did the retrofit. So just because one dealer has an issue once, doesn't mean it doesn't work.


New Member
Aug 15, 2008
Just to add my two cents to the topic, I'm not sure splitting off the magnetometer is the best answer. I had a D-10 installed in my Pitts 12 (steel tube fuse), and had to install the remote magnetometer to get it to work. It took some experimenting to find a workable location in the fuse for the magnetometer. I upgraded to the Skyview system this summer and, not expecting any problems, put the ADAHRS unit in the same place as the remote magnetomer for the D10 used to be. Didn't work. I finally had to install it in the top of my baggage compartment which is all aluminum and far away from the metal tube structure. Perhaps the sensitivity of the ADAHRS to magnetic disturbances could be reduced somehow. Just a guess, but I think fuselages that are TIG (electric arc) welded may have more disturbed magnetic fields than fuselages that are O/A welded. I've built fuses both ways and seem to have more trouble swinging compasses, etc, with the TIG welded fuses.


New Member
Jan 2, 2008

I am curious as to why you located the remote magnatometer in the fuse with your D10? The tip of the wing seems like the best place for this. This is what I did with my D100 in a Kitfox and it worked like a charm... the fuse caused nothing but problems.


New Member
Aug 15, 2008
The D10 was added after the plane was completed and flying, and I did not have any access holes large enough in the wings to install the remote sensor. I agree, for anyone still building, or with sufficient access to the wings, this would be an excellent place to locate the remote modules.