Request for 5% Wide EMS Screen!!!!


I love flying!
Jan 5, 2014
Another fan of the 10% or even 5% EMS screen option.  Love my Skyview but this would further improve a great system.  Even a little bit more map/PFD area would be noticed and appreciated.


Apr 30, 2006
Independence, OR
Note to Joe Dubner - with wifi now, it will be more possible to send Skyview data to an app on a tablet or smartphone to display it.
Bill, I don't think WiFi will be useful in this application; the EMS data is only available at one of the five serial ports AFAIK.  But we're testing our app with a Bluetooth to serial adapter and are getting good results.

I addressed much of this in another post:

I feel the 5% side bar, as previously described, would be a very eloquent way to monitor EMS data during a long cruse flight and would be a much welcomed option on my SkyView Touch. If a problem is detected and more information is deemed necessary, a quick switch the traditional “arcs and bars” view can be made to quickly determine visually …
Absolutely!  I flew more than 6 hours in this configuration today except that the "5% screen" was on my Android tablet.  The extra room on the Map screen was very useful when the 40% screen was overloaded with traffic, weather, obstructions, ADS-B "signage", etc. as I would go to a larger scale and "spread it out".  Or I could see more of the "big picture" with fully half the screen for the map.  After a little while I became very comfortable checking fuel, oil temperature, etc. on my tablet and counting on an alarm if something was out of limits.

I have absolutely no argument against the "5%" screen but developed this as a workaround until/unless it's available.  In fact was inspired by and shamelessly patterned after the work Bill_H displayed earlier in this thread.  See post 19 for example:



Jan 25, 2007
Sorry I am not in favor of a 5% screen. I can't think of anything worse than a thin line of stacked numbers.....would make the eyes bleed trying to differentiate between them!


I love flying! Wiring, ...not so much.
Nov 6, 2012
Sorry I am not in favor of a 5% screen. I can't think of anything worse than a thin line of stacked numbers.....would make the eyes bleed trying to differentiate between them!

The neat thing about an option is you don't have to use it, it's an option for those that would. ;)


I love my RV-12
Feb 18, 2015
AllanR - point well taken if you NEED to easily read each EMS value continually.

During a long cruse, I truly would prefer looking at a stack of green blocks with hard to read numbers and leave more room on the display for the PFD and GPS map. The “green” range values have been predetermined by the owner and preset in the SkyView database. If I’ve predetermined a value is “in the green” … I don’t feel it is necessarily to easily read that individual value when in the 5% mode. If a sensor value is “in the green”, it’s good ... because it has already been predetermined as such.

The pilot can easily change the screen view to bars and arcs during takeoff and landing operations or should one NEED to easily read a particular EMS value.


I love flying!
Dec 3, 2011
Marshall, TX (KASL)
Joe - a variety of data comes into the Skyview via serial ports and the network. But once "in" the Skyview D1000 that data could be sent out via wifi in real time no matter it's source. Similar to how logs are exported via USB. I envision Dynon will be deciding what data to make available real-time to external apps and how. Maybe they will publish an API for at least read-only, for the savvy programmers like you.


I love flying!
Nov 5, 2013
Mostly I fly the Skyview as 40%PFD, 40%MAP, 20%(Engine.) I rearranged my RV12 layout as shown. All the widgets are vertical for an easier scan.
Oil Pres, Temp and Battery Volts/Amps on Top row.
Fuel Level, Pressure, and Flow, and Trim on second row.
CHT/EGT 3rd row.
Useful numbers at the top, with Stall and Spar Pins.

Now, on the right hand side is something I am posting here to the Dynon forum as a suggestion. For TAKEOFF and LANDING I like the 20% view. I like the context that the ranges provide. In CRUISE, I would really like a bigger PFD and Map but I do not like totally getting rid of the engine monitoring! (Yes, I know, even with voice alerts.) This is a 5% wide strip (One-FOURTH the width of the standard one!) That would let the PFD and MAP both be 47.5% rather than 40%!

Note that the example is for a conventional aircraft with 2 fuel tanks and 4 CHT/EGT possibilities. Ignore the values of the numbers, this is a sizing-spacing example.

You can see all the numbers. I would add the coding of a green background when the number is in that part of the range (current widgets do not do that.) Comments are welcome on this too!


Bill H.
RV12,   N412BR "Sweetie"

Love the 5% screen layout...much easier to see w/o all the grahics. with out of spec items either flashing in yellow or red. Would like to see Dynon offer this chose ;D


I love flying!
Nov 5, 2013
Sorry I am not in favor of a 5% screen. I can't think of anything worse than a thin line of stacked numbers.....would make the eyes bleed trying to differentiate between them!

Alan...that's the beauty of the 5% screen...if it's green..not to worry; if it's yellow or red. Change screen to full size. Having more map is golden (or maybe you don't care to see where you're going)....just kidding!!!! ::)


I love flying!
Jun 26, 2013
Another vote for the 5% option for the reasons others have already stated, but I can appreciate that it's not a trivial exercise for Dynon to implement.


I love flying!
Dec 4, 2011
Plus with my Dynon video adapter, I could watch movies AND monitor engine performance.
Sorry I am not in favor of a 5% screen. I can't think of anything worse than a thin line of stacked numbers.....would make the eyes bleed trying to differentiate between them!

Alan...that's the beauty of the 5% screen...if it's green..not to worry; if it's yellow or red.  Change screen to full size.  Having more map is golden (or maybe you don't care to see where you're going)....just kidding!!!! ::)


I love flying!
Feb 26, 2013
I want the 5% screen. I have two 10" and if there was room for a third on the panel......


I love flying!
Jun 6, 2013
Yes, I still see this as one of the best additions Dynon could make to Skyview

And yes, I know some people don't like the idea, but it takes nothing away from what we have now and if you don't like it, nobody forces you to use it.

But while you might have a full page of engine instruments on the right hand Skyview, I will bet that a button going red or yellow on the Skyview in front of you will get your attention quicker and a full range of greens is relaxing to see, without taking your attention away from the other important stuff.

The philosophy is really not a lot different from that we use with the VPX circuit breaker, the display tells you something has gone "pop" and the EMS page you then bring up tells you what it is.

In general, unless the engine has a catastrophic failure, if you get a warning that something is starting to go wrong you have plenty of time to deal with it, the key is in being alerted to the condition. I suggest that a specific light, saying the oil pressure has dropped, is more noticeable, more quickly, that monitoring a gauge as part of a scan

Plus with my Dynon video adapter, I could watch movies AND monitor engine performance.
Sorry I am not in favor of a 5% screen. I can't think of anything worse than a thin line of stacked numbers.....would make the eyes bleed trying to differentiate between them!

Alan...that's the beauty of the 5% screen...if it's green..not to worry; if it's yellow or red.  Change screen to full size.  Having more map is golden (or maybe you don't care to see where you're going)....just kidding!!!! ::)


Active Member
May 7, 2006
I want the 5% screen. I have two 10" and if there was room for a third on the panel......

Yes, yes, yes!
Also, improve the font size/contrast/legibility for the 7 inch screen.



Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
The problem with just numbers is that even the 5%ers are going to switch back to at least the 20% EMS display to figure out what is going on.

If a problem is detected and more information is deemed necessary, a quick switch the traditional “arcs and bars” view can be made to quickly determine visually … just “how bad” is it?
Just "how bad" is it, is real bad when it lights up red. That also necessitates a quick way to switch. I personally think a few precious seconds wasted switching to another screen will cause even more confusion when trying to decipher a new unfamiliar screen. Actually, if I hit the layout button it takes me a seemingly ridiculous amount of time to get it back to a familiar view. Add a little panic because something is in the red and the engine will be trashed before I stop flipping screens and find out "how bad" it is.

I'm sorry guys. The 5% screen is reminiscent of the Idiot Light

Get the manual out of the glove box so I can look-up what that idiot light that just came on means.
I support the choice part of the argument. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I don't understand the argument about switching screens. If you look at the example at the top of the thread, all the information is there, isn't it? Fuel pressure, oil pressure, EGT, CHT, etc., and labeled.

I guess if you want to make a judgement based on an analog display about "how bad is it", you'd have to switch, but I think one could easily see a RED item and make a very quick determination about what to do.


Jul 13, 2010
Meh. I have no use for a 5% ribbon.

Would MUCH rather invest programmer time in new features like HITS, airspeed callouts, airspace in SynViz, or new EIS widgets. (like a combined, revised EGT/CHT)