I have an IO 360 with dual E mags.
When i set up the mags for RPM I used pins 32 and 33 standard RPM input. pins
34 and 35 stated do not connect direct to the magneto so I figured that these would be used for other types of mags.
On first connection I had a high reading with the engine stopped so I messed around with settings and ended up with 150.
Gauge now works but continuously fluctuates around mid range, with the engine running it has bigger fluctuations.
I have tried several different settings and set both to 2000 which gave me a stable zero reading before starting but it stayed at zero after start.
Thanks for any info on this issue
When i set up the mags for RPM I used pins 32 and 33 standard RPM input. pins
34 and 35 stated do not connect direct to the magneto so I figured that these would be used for other types of mags.
On first connection I had a high reading with the engine stopped so I messed around with settings and ended up with 150.
Gauge now works but continuously fluctuates around mid range, with the engine running it has bigger fluctuations.
I have tried several different settings and set both to 2000 which gave me a stable zero reading before starting but it stayed at zero after start.
Thanks for any info on this issue