I calibrated my fuel tanks using AVGAS 100 LL however I think I will now be mostly burning MOGAS.
I know the readings will be off when uploading "other" fuel so I was wondering what would be the best technique...Calibrate for MOGAS...or...Calibrate for AVGAS?
I anticipate that I will be using MOGAS more however it might be best to calibrate for the fuel that will read lower on the gauges so when there is 100 percent of the "other" fuel or a mix of both in the tanks.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
I know the readings will be off when uploading "other" fuel so I was wondering what would be the best technique...Calibrate for MOGAS...or...Calibrate for AVGAS?
I anticipate that I will be using MOGAS more however it might be best to calibrate for the fuel that will read lower on the gauges so when there is 100 percent of the "other" fuel or a mix of both in the tanks.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!