Seeking Feedback on third party HDX Flight Simulator/Trainer Development


I love flying!
Oct 14, 2018
Hello Dynon Avionics Community,

For several years, I have been advocating for simulator options and have expressed my willingness to assist in their development. Unfortunately, Dynon has not been able to allocate the necessary resources to create one themselves, althought they have been supportive of customer driven development.

I believe it is possible for a third party to develop simulator and training aids, albeit with significant investment. I would like to poll the community to determine the priority for various simulation/training options. Here are some possibilities:

  1. Software to allow Real HDX Panel connection to Modern Flight Simulator (e.g., MSFS 2024 or XPlane 12) syncing panel state with the simulator.
  2. Simulated HDX Panel Hardware with connections to Modern Flight Simulator (e.g., MSFS 2024 or XPlane 12) syncing panel state with the simulator.
  3. HDX Simulation software for PC/MAC that connects to MSFS or XPlane, allowing you to use MOST features while syncing panel state with the simulator.
  4. HDX Simulation software for Tablets (iPad/FireHD/Android) that connects to MSFS or XPlane, syncing panel state with the simulator.
  5. Aircraft in the MSFS universe using a faithful reproduction of the HDX panel for use in the simulation on screen, VR, etc.
  6. PC and/or Tablet-based trainer app that lets you explore features and menus without connecting to a simulator.
  7. Web-based trainer that lets you explore features and menus without connecting to a simulator.
  8. Other simulator or training configurations: Please provide a specific description of your own prefreneces not on the list.
Additionally, I would like to gauge the community's willingness to invest in these options. Please indicate how much you would be willing to pay for a finished product (not your desired price, but the price you would realistically pay):

A. $25 B. $100 C. $250 D. $1000 E. $2500 F. Would not be interested

Please respond with a list of your priority options and price combinations (e.g., 3A, 2D, 4B, etc.) in your preferred order followed by an general feedback.

Thank you for your feedback. I have created proof of concepts for most of these options and want to know where I should focus my efforts.

Best regards, Jonathan Fay


I love flying!
Dec 19, 2017
I am in the planning stages for an HDX system in my Cessna 182 and having an iPad training app would go a long way in answering a ton of questions. I’ve downloded and used some of the GPS navigator apps (Garmin GTN, GPS/GNC/GTX, Avidyne IFD) and it has really helped me decide which I want to buy. Using those apps, I would feel confident in implementing any of them in real world situations.

I recently discovered one of my local avionics shops has an HDX demo unit and spent about an hour in there last week playing with it! The shop next door has a G3X demo unit and it was fun to compare the two.

All that to say, I’m in.

Im not too interested in the MSFS options.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
I would differentiate between simulation and training apps. Training apps rarely contain all the features of a full simulator, and you don't really see simulators for tablets, because most tablets don't have the processing power to run them. I'd like to see both, but I'd opt for the PC simulator if Dynon limited it to one option or the other. I'd pay $500 for that, and maybe $100 for a tablet based training app. If you could integrate third party equipment connectivity into the PC simulator, I'd pay even more. I doubt they'd ever do that though.