Serial data output formats


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Edmonton, AB
I've got an Icom A210 that inputs NMEA + VHF to get nearby frequencies from GPS database...I think the SL30 & SL40 have similar capabilites.

Will Skyview eventually be setup to output VHF (or is it already, didn't see a list of available formats in the documentation...I could be hard of seeing)?


New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Edmonton, AB
Yeah, i the feature list it looks like interface with SL30/40 is planned for a future upgrade, though I might expect this to fully control the SL30/40 from skyview. I would hope to use some of that functionaly to send data to the A210 (NMEA + VHF out). The A210 also has a serial tx, but I have no idea what data it might send out or why, except that the Garmin documentation for the 396 says to setup the GPS connected to the SL30/40 with TIS-IN or Aviation-IN and NMEA+VHF out. I gues I'd have to find out what's common between TIS and Aviation that a GPS might be interested in, and a COM radio might have...I was thinking NAV data, but my A210 doesn't have NAV data, but still has the Tx out...ok, I'm getting off topic now maybe.

This is just to fill the A210 channel memory slots with nearby frequencies from the navigation database in skyview (or other aviation GPS such as Garmin 396).

Not a critcal thing by any means, especially for local flying...but a nice to have for the cross-country stuff.

Sorry that I'm mixing up information from the A210 with the SL30/40...but the A210 documentation is terribly incomplete (the GPS hookup wiring isn't even in the product documentation, its a separate document that Icom emailed to me, and doesn't include the data formats required), so I'm having to fill in the blanks with the way other products transfer same information.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
The one thing that the A210 doesn't do is input a single freq from the 396/496. With the SL30/40 you can select a freq from any place in the 396/496 database and export it to the COM by highlighting it and pressing enter. Doesn't work with the A210.

Garmin 396/496 will input TIS data either from your Mode S transponder or from some PCAS systems. It then displays the traffic on the 396/496.

I suspect the SV system will be able to export COM freq from it's NAV database to the SL30/40 much like the 396/496. Although not new, I like the idea of that type of integration.