SkyView 11 Software Released


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
You can go to MAP > MAP ITEMS > TFR AIRSPACE to change the zoom level at which TFRs are displayed, and you can also turn them off entirely. Also, if you export your settings file, there are a few things you can tweak by hand to change the transparency of the TFRs themselves. This thread has a good discussion of this hidden power user feature.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Kudos to Dynon on Skyview version 11. Nice work.  :) :)

I like the faster loading. Nice touch showing the items appear as the map databases load. Better than a progress bar although a progress bar or hour glass is what soothes users impatience or anxiety. While I can't use the majority of improvements the ones I can use are nicely done.

Besides the support for dual engine monitoring and the CAN bus there has been little change to the design of the engine page. Some custom tweaking would be nice. How about:
[list bull-blackball][*]empty tops on the arc fuel gauge similar to the fuel bar.
[*]tick marks and units for the RPM and MAP gauges or any arc gauge (the map has ticks, dashes and fades for air spaces).
[*]combined gauges. two arc oil temp/press or a four arc CHT/EGT gauge. Also combined bar gauges.
[*]option for triangle markers rather than the bar on bar gauges. This would allow combined bar gauges for fuel or oil temp/press
[*]selectable icon idiot lights for contacts (waypoints have icons).[/list]
I would also support removing the HSI to make room for the engine page along the bottom of the PDF. I've been flying longer with glass than steam and I navigate with the map so while I can use the HSI, it makes little sense to me as compared to navigating with the map. No offense to those that want and use the HSI but a choice would be nice.

A 50/50 page (MAP/PDF) with the bottom 40% of the PDF an engine page (20%) could be one layout. A 60/40 with the bottom 20% of the 40% PDF would make a 16% engine page.

It also would be nice to specify a couple of favorite screen layouts to swap between rather than the several clicks it takes to get back to the original layout. Choosing layouts other than the favorites would require digging a little deeper into the menu.


I love flying!
Dec 3, 2011
Marshall, TX (KASL)
Murray - please see this thread (from bottom up). Asking for a 5% wide EMS Strip (mostly for use in cruise for us single-screen guys!) Dynon has said that their current paging scheme would require a *massive* rewrite to incorporate horizontal rather than vertical screen splits.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Bill - I participated in that thread and didn't agree with the 5% with numbers only scheme. Sorry.  :(

I realize that changing the widow scheme is a major undertaking. Other than that feature, all the suggestions are tweaks to the engine page widgets. Most of which are graphics that have already been implemented on the map and six pack pages. ie: icons and arcs/lines with ticks or dashes.


I love soaring! Flying is good, too.
May 11, 2014
Vne that can be expressed TAS instead of IAS

I LOVE this feature! My aircraft, a Phoenix U15 touring motorglider, has a Vne = 120 knots TAS. My cruising altitudes vary from a few thousand feet at home in eastern Washington state , to 15,000'+  in places like Nevada and Utah. In those hot, high desert places, the 120 knot TAS Vne might be only 100 knots IAS (or less), making the usual IAS redline worthless, or worse.

Even at lower altitudes, it's easy to lose track of how close I am to Vne, when the instruments show only IAS. Sure, there's a little box at the bottom of the speed tape with TAS in it, but it doesn't demand attention the way large red bar does.

:)  Vne = TAS   :)


I love flying!
Sep 6, 2014
The EMS Setup Menu has a button for changing the layout for sensors within that menu, allowing changes in layout and size and shape of iconography.

I'd love to be able to make some layout changes within the PFD screen, but the PFD Setup Menu has no layout button. Can I make layout and iconography changes within the PFD screen and, if so, how would I go about doing that?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You cannot modify the PFD screen like you can the EMS.

What in particular were you looking to change? Some things can be turned on and off.